
The planting method of heavy building cultivation

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Chonglou is the dry rhizome of Yunnan Zhonglou or seven-leaf flower of Liliaceae. It is a well-known traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, cooling the liver and calming the liver. In recent years, many areas have begun to plant heavy buildings on a large scale so as to move towards the road to prosperity. Here's an introduction.

Chonglou is the dry rhizome of Yunnan Zhonglou or seven-leaf flower of Liliaceae. It is a well-known traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, cooling the liver and calming the liver. In recent years, many areas have begun to plant heavy buildings on a large scale so as to move towards the road to prosperity. Next, let's introduce the planting method of heavy building cultivation.

I. selection of land and land preparation

The nursery land is generally chosen in the underforest open space or vegetable garden with shade, high degree of shelter and good drainage and irrigation. Because the heavy building belongs to the shallow root crop, the seedling process, the plant growth is slow, so the request to the soil is higher. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is loose and porous and rich in organic matter. After the selection of the site, we should do a good job in soil preparation, choose sunny weather, dig deep into the soil, and keep the depth above 25 cm, mainly to break the bottom of the plough. In the process of soil preparation, the broken stones, weeds and stubble in the field should be cleared out in time to ensure that the ground is flat and the soil is fine. Combined with soil preparation, 3500 kg of fully mature organic fertilizer was applied per mu, and then the ground was leveled. The soil moisture is 120 cm wide and a drainage ditch 35 cm wide and 25 cm deep is opened. A wire-cement scaffolding is constructed with iron wire and cement piles, and the cover is covered above the scaffolding to create a shady and moist environment for the growth of heavy buildings.

2. Raising seedlings

1. Scientific selection of species

Choose seeds with full grains, high maturity, no threat of diseases and insect pests, and no mildew and deterioration. After seed selection, the outer skin was removed manually and exposed to the sun for 2-3 days in sunny weather to improve the water absorption capacity of the seeds. Then the seeds and fine sand were mixed and stored according to the ratio of 1: 3, and the storage temperature was controlled at 20 ℃. During this period, the sand should be kept moist and turned once every half a month to ensure that the seeds breathe fully and avoid rotten seeds. A 1.2m wide chamber was opened on the prepared seedbed, and a drainage ditch with a depth of 25 cm and a width of 35 cm was opened around the chamber. Disinfect the soil with 0.5% carbendazim solution the week before sowing.

two。 Scientific sowing management

When 30% of the seeds are exposed to white, the seeds are taken out for sowing, and the sowing can be sowed on demand. In general, the planting density is maintained at 4 cm × 4 cm and the sowing depth is controlled at 2 cm. After sowing, cover the top with rotten leaves and irrigate them thoroughly. After sowing, the humidity of the seedbed should be combined with proper irrigation to keep the seedbed moist and weeds should be removed in time. When the seeds grow into radicles, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and 0.5% carbendazim solution are sprayed after irrigation.

Shading treatment should be done after the emergence of heavy buildings, and the amount of irrigation should be strictly controlled. Generally, irrigation should be irrigated once every half a month. Weeds are found in the seedling bed and pulled out in time. In the whole seedling stage, pig manure water is irrigated 2-3 times a year, and it can be transplanted after about 3 years of cultivation. In the whole cultivation process, the mulch can be appropriately reduced to increase light.

3. Transplanting at the right time

When the seedlings grew to 3 years later, the seedlings were dug up when the adventitious buds were formed in the winter of the third year and planted according to the standard of 20 cm × 25 cm between rows and plants. The shading net should be covered in time after transplanting, and the height of the shading net is generally controlled at 1.8-2.0 m. In general, the transplanting season is best chosen in winter, after the aboveground part of the seedling falls, the root enters the dormant period. In the whole transplanting process, it is necessary to ensure transplanting with soil to ensure that the terminal buds and fibrous roots are not damaged, so as to improve the survival rate.

Fourth, do a good job in field management

1. Intermediate ploughing and weeding

Rhizoma thunbergii belongs to shallow root crops, and new roots mainly sprout in autumn and winter. therefore, after planting, it is necessary to do a good job of ploughing and weeding. The weeding date is generally chosen to be carried out at the initial stage of underground rhizome growth from September to October, mainly in shallow and middle tillage, so as to avoid excessive damage to the root system. Ploughing and weeding should be combined with soil cultivation and fertilizer should be applied to ensure the safety of heavy buildings to survive the winter. Before and after the Beginning of Spring, the seedlings of the heavy building will gradually grow, and the weeds in the field will be pulled out in time. In the process of weeding, we should avoid harming the root system and underground rhizome of the heavy building, so as not to affect the normal growth of the heavy building.

two。 Do a good job in water and fertilizer management scientifically

There are more Rain Water during the growth of heavy buildings, so there is usually no need for irrigation, and field drainage should be done well in the season of concentrated rainfall. Clean up the drains around the field in time to ensure that the ditches can be drained smoothly. When encountered with dry weather, it should be irrigated in time combined with field humidity. The local upper rhizome is not suitable for irrigation after emergence, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots in heavy buildings. Heavy buildings need topdressing about twice a year, once in spring and once in winter. Winter topdressing is usually carried out from late November to early December. After ploughing in the field, topdressing is applied in time and compound fertilizer is applied for 30 kg per mu. Spring fertilization is usually carried out in the middle and first ten days of April, and compound fertilizer is applied for 30 kg per mu.

3. Do a good job in pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of heavy buildings are root rot, leaf blight, ground tiger, grub and so on. In view of these diseases and insect pests, on the basis of doing a good job in agricultural prevention and control, it is necessary to scientifically select chemical drugs and scientific drugs for prevention and control. The disease in the field reaches the control standard, and root rot of heavy building can be controlled by root irrigation with 500 times liquid carbendazim or 200 times liquid quicklime. Heavy building leaf blight can be sprayed with 200-fold Bordeaux solution in the field, which has a good control effect. Ground tiger and grub can be sprayed in the field with 2.5% EC 20 mL and water 50 kg, and the control effect is remarkable.

The above are the key technical points of the cultivation of heavy buildings sorted out by Xiaobian. Growers must do a good job in land preparation, seedling cultivation, timely transplanting and field management in the process of planting heavy buildings, so as to ensure the high quality, high yield and high benefit of heavy buildings.