
How much is Cordyceps per jin? How to choose to avoid fake goods?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the advent of winter, health preservation has become a seasonal buzzword in recent years. People pay more and more attention to their health, and the health products on the market naturally appear in front of you. Many friends have heard of Cordyceps sinensis, which is the abbreviation of Cordyceps sinensis and belongs to the price deviation in our country.

With the arrival of winter, health preservation has become a seasonal hot word in recent years. Everyone pays more and more attention to health, and the health care products on the market naturally appear in front of you. Many friends have heard of Cordyceps sinensis, is the abbreviation of Cordyceps sinensis, in our country belongs to one of the expensive health care products, because it grows in a special environment, the annual output is not high, so once sold out of stock. So how much is a kilo of cordyceps? How to choose?

1. Introduction to Cordyceps sinensis

1. Cordyceps sinensis is a combination of Cordyceps sinensis fungi and bat moth larvae formed by artificial cultivation under special conditions. There are wild Cordyceps sinensis in Qinghai, Xizang and Sichuan in China.

2, Cordyceps in the annual summer solstice arrival, taking advantage of the thick snow on the mountain has not melted completely, many mountains due to the cold weather grass cover wide, snow there for a long time will not melt. During this time, friends in this business will go up the mountain to look for Cordyceps hidden in snow and weeds.

3, Cordyceps in the process of digging need to be very careful, if broken the price will be greatly discounted, broken Cordyceps can only be called broken grass. A lot of broken grass on the market is connected by farmers with straw sticks in the process of digging. There are countless such behaviors, so we need to pay more attention to them.

Second, how much is a catty of Cordyceps

Cordyceps is expensive because it costs less time, labor costs and sales seasons are also key. The higher the altitude, the more expensive the Cordyceps is. The editor collected the current price on the market for everyone:

1, Cordyceps is generally sold by the root, each root according to the size and quality of the price will also be different, a small Cordyceps market price of about 100-200 yuan.

2. The market price of larger Cordyceps sinensis is about 200-300 yuan per root.

3. The price of Cordyceps sinensis with ordinary quality is naturally low, about 80-150 yuan per root. The price of high-quality Cordyceps is about 300-500 yuan a root.

4. Cordyceps has high requirements for quality. Many familiar friends will know that Cordyceps can be divided into special grass, first-class grass, second-class grass, etc., and some old brands of Cordyceps are also very expensive. Prices vary depending on where they are produced. The price of Cordyceps sinensis in Sichuan and Yunnan is slightly lower, while the price of Cordyceps sinensis in Xizang is higher.

About the price of Cordyceps sinensis, the above data is for reference only, the cost of each region is different, so we calculate the price naturally will be different, hope that interested friends can compare more, in order to find the most suitable price.

III. How to choose Cordyceps sinensis

People who come into contact with Cordyceps sinensis are generally buying for the first time. The small editor summarizes the selection skills for everyone and reduces the probability of being cheated and buying fake goods:

1. Cordyceps sinensis needs to be selected with complete body shape, that is, without broken grass. The complete form of Cordyceps is stronger, about three to five centimeters long.

2. Observe the shape of Cordyceps sinensis. The ring pattern on Cordyceps sinensis is relatively stiff and obvious. The closer it is to the head, the thinner it will be. Generally, Cordyceps sinensis is dark yellow in shape.

3, each Cordyceps body will have eight pairs of feet, if there are no eight pairs, it is likely to be broken grass or fake.

The knowledge about Cordyceps sinensis is summarized here for you, and I hope it will help everyone. In the process of purchase, we can also consult relevant information, the market of Cordyceps adulteration serious, false high price, must be cautious consumption oh.