
5 teach you how to grow exploding golden branches and jade leaves!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the contemporary people's love for dill and grass and the pursuit of slow life, a variety of rare potted plants have also entered the public's field of vision, so today we will talk about how the golden branches and leaves of succulent shrubs are raised. If you learn the five tips below, you will not be afraid that it will not explode.

With the contemporary people's love for dill and grass and the pursuit of slow life, a variety of rare potted plants have also entered the public's field of vision, so today we will talk about how the golden branches and leaves of succulent shrubs are raised. The following 5 tips to teach you are not afraid that it will not burst the pot!

First, a brief introduction to Jinzhi Yuye

1. Golden branches and jade leaves do not refer to the children of the rich and powerful in ancient times, but a plant belonging to Portulacaceae in nature, which is also called Ginkgo biloba in Chinese. It is mainly distributed in the arid areas of South Africa, and now it is cultivated and cultured in some parts of our country.

two。 Golden branches and jade leaves are perennial fleshy shrubs with purplish brown to light brown fleshy stems. the new branches will be purplish red in plenty of sunlight and green if the light is not enough.

3. In addition to having a good ornamental effect, its stems and leaves can be used as medicine. Its sweet and sour taste, cold nature, can enter the heart, dry, spleen, large intestine meridian, has a better heat-clearing and detoxification and cooling blood hemostatic effect. For the treatment of male fever and female red leucorrhea, dry stool, eczema and hematochezia haemorrhoid have a certain auxiliary role. Here, I would like to remind you that Jinzhi Yuye, who is used as a drug, should consult a doctor and do not use medicine at will so as not to delay or aggravate the disease.

Second, how to raise the golden branches and jade leaves with exploding pots?

The propagation methods of golden branches and jade leaves include cutting and sowing propagation, generally using the method of cutting. If cutting, it is necessary to choose strong and luxuriant branches in the peak season of its growth. The branches used for cutting only need to have the upper leaves, and the lower leaves can be removed. After drying for a few days, the branches can be cut when the wound is dry, and then placed in the semi-shade for maintenance. In this process, as long as the soil is kept moist, diluted fertilizer is applied to the golden branches and jade leaves every ten days or so after two months to promote growth. In this way, the cultivation of golden branches and jade leaves is basically completed, so let's focus on the five key points of cultivation.

1. Golden branches and jade leaves are green plants that like warm, dry and sunny environments, so it is better to keep them outdoors, such as balconies and windowsills, so that they will be brighter and more luxuriant if they get enough light. Of course, in the hot summer sun, we should pay attention to give it shade to avoid water evaporation too quickly and the leaves are burned.

two。 The sandy soil with fertile, loose and good drainage is the best for the cultivation of golden branches and jade leaves, sufficient fertility can ensure its nutrition, and good drainage can avoid root rot caused by stagnant water.

3. In the peak growing season of golden branches and jade leaves (June-August), it must be fully watered, but do not have stagnant water, just keep the soil moist; spring and summer can be watered every three or four days, but summer watering should be carried out in the morning and evening; golden branches and jade leaves can be watered once a week in autumn and winter, and keep the soil a little dry when the temperature is too low in winter, so as to achieve the effect of heat preservation.

4. The growth rate of golden branches and jade leaves is relatively fast, so in order to ensure that the shape of the potted plant is beautiful and luxuriant, it should be trimmed regularly, and the trimmed shape is determined by personal preference. But for too messy, dense, sick and weak branches and leaves must be cut off, so as to ensure the beauty of the whole.

5. Finally, remember to change the pots for the golden branches and jade leaves every year or two, replace them with larger pots according to their growth, and trim off the roots of the blight. In addition, golden branches and jade leaves are prone to anthracnose, so carbendazim can be sprayed with water according to 1RU 1000 at this time. Other pests such as whitefly and shell insects can be sprayed with appropriate drugs.

The above are some methods and skills on how to raise golden branches and jade leaves. I hope you can make the golden branches and jade leaves at home explode after you learn it well.