
How does ginseng banyan lose its leaves? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although the vitality of ginseng banyan is very strong, it is also easy to lose leaves in the process of culture, so how does ginseng banyan lose its leaves? Specifically, what are the culture methods and matters needing attention of ginseng banyan? First, what happened to the ginseng banyan leaves?

Although the vitality of ginseng banyan is very strong, it is also easy to lose leaves in the process of culture, so how does ginseng banyan lose its leaves? Specifically, what are the culture methods and matters needing attention of ginseng banyan?

First, what happened to the ginseng banyan leaves?

1. Improper watering

Too much or too little water will lead to the failure of leaves, which should be watered once every 10 days after the soil is dry.

2. Diseases and insect pests

Whether there are red spiders, powdery mildew and other diseases and insect pests in the leaves, some should prescribe the right medicine to the case.

3. Lack of light

The best temperature for the growth of ginseng and banyan trees is above 10 ℃. It should not always be placed in the room. It is appropriate to see the sun every day.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of ginseng banyan

1. Culture method of ginseng banyan

(1) Conservation of the environment: ginseng banyan should be preserved in a sunny environment as far as possible (because potted plants are not resistant to sunlight, so they should be shaded when the light is strong). Of course, ginseng banyan can also be protected under astigmatism, so it can also be preserved under astigmatism. But give some light once in a while.

(2) temperature: the best growth temperature of ginseng banyan is between 18 and 33 degrees Celsius, so we should pay attention to sun protection and frost protection in winter and summer, especially in winter, the temperature should not be too low, otherwise the fallen leaves are small and may freeze to death.

(3) watering: it must be said that watering is the most difficult. Ginseng banyan can maintain a slight tide in the basin soil, but it must not accumulate water, and all flowers and plants cannot accumulate water, so the frequency of watering should be controlled. water again when the basin soil is dry (dry is not very dry, do not go to extremes).

(4) pruning: ginseng banyan is more resistant to pruning, so don't be afraid, as long as you are creative, you can cut it.

2. Matters needing attention in the conservation of ginseng banyan.

In fact, the matters needing attention are all corresponding to the culture methods, and the main points to pay attention to:

(1) the newly bought ginseng banyan leaves, don't worry, look for countermeasures, because the newly bought ginseng banyan comes to a new environment and needs to adapt, and it may also be newly planted by merchants, so it is normal to lose the leaves at the beginning. So take the pot first (adapt to the new environment, maintain in the astigmatism, don't bask in it), and consider management methods such as solarization and fertilization after taking the basin.

(2) do not move the position at will. After choosing the location, in addition to watering or occasionally taking care of it, do not take care of it three times a day.

(3) pay attention to ventilation, because ginseng banyan can withstand semi-shade, so some flower friends raise it indoors, which leads to poor indoor air circulation and no vitality of ginseng banyan.

(4) pay attention to pruning. Ginseng banyan looks good because the tree is in good shape. if it is not pruned for a long time, it will become a long-term wasteland and has no ornamental value, so pruning is necessary and can be carried out every spring.

(5) to change the basin, in fact, ginseng banyan does not need to change the basin often, usually once every two years.