
How much is the market price of garlic seedlings per jin now? Follow these six steps to come out early!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Garlic seedling is a common vegetable in our country, which is very popular because of its easy planting, low investment cost and market price close to the people. at present, it has been planted in most areas. how much is it now? What if the seedlings do not emerge evenly? What is the market price of garlic seedlings

Garlic seedling is a common vegetable in our country, which is very popular because of its easy planting, low investment cost and market price close to the people. at present, it has been planted in most areas. how much is it now? What if the seedlings do not emerge evenly?

First, how much is the market price of garlic seedlings per jin?

The market price of garlic seedlings is about 3.4 yuan to 6.5 yuan per jin. The price of garlic seedlings varies from variety to variety. According to the differences between regions, the price of garlic seedlings will also be different. The latest prices are as follows:





November 12, 2018


5 yuan / kg

Dayang Road Agricultural Wholesale Market, Chaoyang District, Beijing

November 12, 2018


4.7 yuan / kg

Xinfadi Agricultural products Wholesale Market, Fengtai District, Beijing

November 12, 2018


6.5 yuan / kg

Beijing Tongzhou Baliqiao Agricultural products Center Wholesale Market

November 12, 2018


5.6 yuan / kg

Beijing Changping Shuitun Agricultural and sideline products Wholesale Market

November 12, 2018


5.6 yuan / kg

Beijing Rishang Comprehensive Commodity Wholesale Market

November 12, 2018


6 yuan / kg

Jinzhong vegetable Market, Dongli District, Tianjin

November 12, 2018


4.2 yuan / kg

Hongqi Agricultural Trade Wholesale Market, Xiqing District, Tianjin

November 12, 2018


4.7 yuan / kg

Dangcheng vegetable Wholesale Market, Xiqing District, Tianjin

November 12, 2018


5.3 yuan / kg

Tianjin Hanjiazhuang Agricultural products Wholesale Market

November 12, 2018


3.6 yuan / kg

Agricultural products transaction Logistics Center in Lianghu Plain, Jingzhou, Hubei Province

November 12, 2018


5 yuan / kg

Farmers' Market in Honghu City, Hubei Province

November 12, 2018


5.4 yuan / kg

Chengbei Agricultural products Wholesale Market in Xishui City, Hubei Province

November 12, 2018


6.4 yuan / kg

Hunan Changsha Hongxing Agricultural and sideline products Market

November 12, 2018


3.4 yuan / kg

Jiangbei Agricultural products Market in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

November 12, 2018


6 yuan / kg

Hunan Yueyang Huabanqiao Wholesale Market

November 12, 2018


5.5 yuan / kg

Ganlu Temple vegetable Wholesale Market in Changde, Hunan Province

November 12, 2018


4 yuan / kg

Jishou vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market in Hunan Province

November 12, 2018


5.2 yuan / kg

Guangdong Shantou Agricultural products Wholesale Center

Second, what if the garlic seedlings do not come out evenly?

1. The reasons for the uneven emergence of garlic:

When leaving garlic seeds, there is no choice of high-quality garlic seeds with full cloves and large cloves, and the quality of garlic seeds left is relatively poor. Before sowing, sow the seeds without removing the inferior garlic cloves or grading the size of the garlic seeds. In addition, the shallow planting of garlic, poor soil moisture (clayey, hardened or barren), or insufficient moisture (after sowing, you will choose to water once) will affect garlic germination and lead to uneven emergence of garlic.

2. Measures for early emergence of garlic seedlings:

(1) Scientific selection of species

For those who choose to keep their own seeds, the garlic with strong stalk, thick green leaves, good root system, no diseases and insect pests, large and strong garlic should be selected in the last harvest. At the same time, pay attention to timely harvest, the harvest time is generally 25-30 days after garlic stalk harvest, too early or too late will affect seedling emergence.

Whether it is self-seed or purchasing garlic seed, the inferior garlic cloves such as incomplete cloves, moth-eaten, dry and dehydrated cloves, yellowing and moldy garlic should be removed before sowing, and the garlic with good quality should be selected. After grading and cultivation, the garlic seedlings are neat and easy to manage in the later stage.

(2) drying

Drying the garlic in the sun for 2 or 3 days before sowing can make the petals loose, easy to break, not easy to damage, sprout early and emerge neatly. When drying, avoid direct sunlight on garlic seeds, so as not to form Sweet Garlic.

(3) remove garlic skin and heel.

As garlic skin and heel seriously affect the water absorption capacity of garlic species and hinder the growth of new roots, removing garlic skin and heel during seed selection can promote germination and root germination to a great extent. Therefore, vegetable farmers can properly destroy the garlic skin and sow seeds.

(4) garlic topping

First break the garlic head into pieces, soak it in water for 36 hours, then pick it up, and cut off the top of the cloverless garlic with a knife. Pay attention to do not hurt the germ, each petal cut off about 1/4, see that there is a small hole in the middle is the most suitable, and then according to the routine evenly arranged on the border surface, apply sufficient base fertilizer, cover the soil, cover with a layer of grass shade, 3 days to complete the seedlings.

(5) seed soaking in medicine solution

(5.1) soaking the garlic cloves in 500 times carbendazim solution for 12 hours and then sowing the seeds after drying can increase the emergence rate and make the seedlings strong.

(5.2) first soak the garlic seeds with 500 grams of quicklime and 50 kilograms of water, soak the garlic seeds for 24 hours, remove them, then mix them with 1 kilogram of sulfur powder, and then put the garlic seeds in a cool place and cover with fine sand to promote early hair.

(6) pay attention to the planting depth and water at the right time.

Garlic planting depth generally requires 3cm or so, evenly covered with soil after planting, and timely watering according to soil moisture after planting to ensure that garlic seedlings emerge neatly.

Generally speaking, the price of garlic seedlings is very close to the people, which can be bought from 3.5 to 4.5 yuan, but if you want to achieve high yield, you need to do a good job in basic management in order to make the seedlings come out neatly and increase the yield.