
How do iron bars grow yam? How to manage later?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yam is a very nutritious and healthy food, there are many kinds, among which iron stick yam is the most common. Yam iron rod as its name suggests, looks a bit like a slender rusty iron rod named, taste crisp hard smooth, very delicious. So how do iron rods grow?

Chinese yam is a very nutritious and healthy food, and there are many kinds of yam, among which iron bar yam is the most common. Iron bar yam, as its name implies, gets its name from the appearance of a slender, rusty iron bar. It tastes crisp, hard and smooth, and it is very delicious. So how to grow iron bar yam? How to manage in the later stage?

I. planting method of iron bar yam

1. Conventional planting technique

The new stubble is usually turned deep to dry before winter (do not disturb the soil layer), 80-90cm for planting iron medicine and 40-50cm for planting and propagation. Soil preparation was carried out by applying high quality mature farm fertilizer 500kg, rotten cake fertilizer 100kg, high quality nitrogen, potassium and ternary compound fertilizer 50kg as base fertilizer per mu in spring.

two。 Trenching planting technique

Chinese yam trench planting: first, good yield, quality, high commodity rate, good benefit; second, little investment (250-300 yuan per mu) and labor-saving; third, broaden the choice of soil texture, expand the planting area; fourth, row spacing widening is conducive to field management. Trench planting: generally row spacing 90cm, ditch depth 80-120cm, while natural uplift 30-35cm high ridge. Before opening the ditch, set a line, and then sprinkle fertilizer on the line, applying high-quality dried chicken manure 100kg, compound fertilizer 50kg, potassium sulfate 30kg. The use of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is strictly prohibited in fertilization.

3. Sowing at the right time

Planting can be carried out when the ground temperature of 5 cm is stable at 10 ℃, usually from April 10 to April 20 every year. The planting density of Chinese yam is 7000-8000 plants / mu, and the row spacing is l0*70cm. Cover the soil with 3-5cm after sowing and squat to preserve soil moisture. After planting iron bar yam, it is necessary to dig drainage ditches around and communicate with the outer ditches, especially ditching planting is more important to ensure smooth drainage in the rainy season, not to collapse ditches and improve the yield and commodity rate.

II. Field management

1. Set up a frame

The construction of iron bar yam is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission, increase yield and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. Generally, after emergence, the pole can be tied up with a height of about 1.5 meters, one for each plant, and cross-tied firmly at 1-1.2 meters from the ground.

two。 Ploughing and weeding

Weeding should be done in time after seedling emergence to avoid competing for nutrients with iron yam. Shallow hoe can be used in the early stage and manual pulling in the later stage.

3. Timely watering

Iron bar yam before planting to pour a bottom moisture, after planting when the soil moisture is insufficient, you can make up for a small water, to ensure the normal emergence of yam, conditions to spray the best. After the yam is full, it should be watered with topdressing, pay attention to less watering before the Beginning of Autumn, to promote the root root, after the Beginning of Autumn (mid-August), you can pour a flood (also known as head water), which is conducive to the expansion of iron bar yam. Ditching and planting should be watered by sprinkler irrigation to prevent ditch collapse.

III. Pest control

Golden needle worms, mole crickets, grubs, the yam underground tuber drilled many holes, sometimes hidden in the tuber dormancy. Golden needle worm itself has a layer of membrane, the drug is not easy to penetrate its body contact, stomach poison is better. Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent them as follows:

1. Turn over the land 25-30 cm deep before winter, turning the overwintering adults and larvae to the surface, making them freeze to death, sun to death or be preyed on by natural enemies.

two。 Fertilizing mature organic fertilizer fully mature organic fertilizer can change the ventilation and water permeability of soil, make crops grow healthily, and enhance disease resistance and insect resistance. Crop rotation is also a powerful measure to prevent disease and insect pests, and it is generally better to rotate every 3-4 years.

3. Poison valley is made of 0.15 kg 90% trichlorfon 30 times liquid, mixed with blighted grain, 1.5-2.5 kg per 667 square meters. Sprinkle it on the surface of the soil and loosen the topsoil with a hoe so that some medicine is in the soil and some is on the soil surface.

4. Poison erbium 0.15 kg 90% trichlorfon 30 times liquid, stir-fried wheat bran or bean cake (or cottonseed cake) 5 kg to make poison erbium, in the windless and muggy evening application effect is good, mixed with 1-1.5 times the weight of water. Or use 40% 50% dimethoate 100 grams mixed with 5 kg of water to stir-fry 50 kg of erbium materials (wheat bran, bean cake, corn crumbs, etc.), planing every 2 meters, every 3-4 meters planing a large hole, put a pinch of poisonous erbium and then cover the soil, 1.5-2.0 kg of poisonous erbium every 667 square meters. This method is very good for the control of mole cricket and grubs.

5. 1500 times of 40% methyl isosalidophos EC was used for root irrigation, and 0.15kg to 0.2kg per plant. Or use 2% methyl isosinophos powder, 3-4 kg per 667 cubic meters, sprinkle on the near-plant topsoil, and then mix the soil and powder well with a hoe. This method has a special effect on the control of grubs and golden needle worms. Or use 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution, 0.15-0.2 kg per plant.

IV. Timely harvest

After the first frost, the aboveground stems and leaves gradually withered and yellow, and the underground tubers went into a dormant state, which can be harvested and sold or stored in the vegetable cellar. You can also cultivate soil on the planting bed to prevent frost, and keep the land for use and harvest.

Although iron bar yam has been sold everywhere, because of its high nutritional value, delicious taste and diversified eating methods, it is deeply loved by consumers, and there is still a great demand in the market. so planting iron bar yam is also a relatively easy and cost-effective planting project!