
Learn these tricks, dripping Guanyin leaves will no longer turn yellow!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dishui Guanyin, also known as sea taro, is a common indoor green potted plant. It is deeply loved by flower friends because it is highly ornamental and has the effect of purifying air indoors, but the leaves are often yellowed in the process of maintenance. The leaves of Dishui Guanyin are yellow.

Dripping Guanyin, also known as sea taro, is a common indoor green potted plant, because of the high ornamental and indoor air purification effect and deeply loved by flower friends, but in the maintenance process, often appear yellow leaves phenomenon, that dripping Guanyin leaves yellow is how to return a responsibility? How?

1. Introduction to Water Guanyin:

1. What is the habit of dripping Guanyin?

Dishui Guanyin likes semi-shade and is suitable for growth in 20~30 ° C environment. It can grow normally as long as the soil is moist and shaded at high temperature. It can grow normally only by giving a certain amount of scattered light in winter. The requirement for water and fertilizer is not high, as long as the principle of less winter and more summer can be followed, it can grow normally.

2. Where does Dripping Guanyin come from?

Dripping Guanyin origin mostly in domestic and foreign production. Among them, foreign countries mainly produce from northeast India, Bangladesh, Indochina Peninsula, Indonesia, Philippines and Malay Peninsula; domestic mainly produce from Taiwan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan and other tropical or subtropical areas.

3. What are the benefits of dripping Guanyin?

Purify the air, clear away heat and toxic materials, disperse masses and reduce swelling, and eliminate disasters.

2. What should I do if the leaves of Guanyin drop yellow? Eight tips to teach you leaves no longer yellow!

Reason 1: Insufficient light: Dripping Guanyin likes shade but is not resistant to strong light. If it is placed in a place lacking light for a long time, it will cause the leaves to fail to carry out photosynthesis, lack chlorophyll and show yellow.

Solution: Put Dripping Guanyin in the living room or bedroom with scattered light and let it carry out photosynthesis. But in summer, it needs to be moved to a cool place for semi-shade, and always ventilated to allow it to grow freely.

Reason 2, unreasonable watering: dripping Guanyin likes to grow in a humid environment, if the watering is not thorough or the watering method is not correct, it will make the root system end lack of water and appear yellow leaves, in addition, irregular watering will also make the leaves yellow.

Solution: watering every 5 days in spring; watering every 3 to 5 days in summer, but do not accumulate water; watering every 5 days in autumn is best, if the temperature is very low close to winter temperature, watering every other week or 10 days; spraying water on plants every other week in winter, and do not accumulate water, so as not to affect the respiration of roots.

Reason 3: Insufficient soil nutrition: Dishui Guanyin likes to grow in sandy loam or loam with loose soil, good drainage and rich humus. If the basin soil is too alkaline or the basin soil is not changed for a long time, it will lead to the lack of nutrition of the plant and the phenomenon of yellow leaves and drooping.

Solution: try to choose good drainage and humus-rich loam or sandy loam planting, but also available river sand, peat soil, rotten leaf soil and retting cake fertilizer mixed into nutrient soil planting. In addition, change pots once a year in spring and loosen soil once a month to ensure good permeability of pots.

Reason 4: The temperature is too low: Dripping Guanyin is a tropical plant. The temperature is too low to freeze the roots, causing the leaves to gradually yellow. In addition, moving plants outdoors immediately after winter can also make them less able to adapt to climate change and yellow leaves.

Solution: In winter, try to move the dripping Guanyin indoors, wait until spring, and then move it outdoors. In addition, in summer, it should be properly shaded or moved to a shade with scattered light.

Reason 5, poor ventilation: Dripping Guanyin likes to grow in a ventilated environment, if the ventilation is not smooth, it will make the leaves breathe poorly and cause the leaves to yellow.

Solution: Move it to a cool and ventilated place. If it is winter, avoid placing it at the air conditioning outlet to avoid drying the leaves and causing them to wither and die.

Reason 6, leaf surface is not clean: dripping Guanyin leaves are the place for photosynthesis, if the leaves are not clean will hinder photosynthesis, resulting in yellow leaves.

Solution: The dust on the leaves of Guanyin will be gently wiped with a rag, if a clean can not be wiped again two hours later to ensure that the leaves are clean.

Reason 7, pest impact: During the growth of Guanyin, red spiders will appear, and red spiders like to suck the juice on the back of the leaves, resulting in many small white spots on the leaves that slowly yellow.

Solution: Kill with 40% dimethoate emulsion or 80% dichlorvos 1500 times spray. When cleaning, try not to touch it directly with your hands to avoid poisoning.

Reason 8: Artificial damage: When the leaves, branches and other parts of Guanyin are damaged, it will lead to damage to the transportation system, so that the nutrition of the leaves cannot be transported and yellowing occurs.

Solution: Try not to touch the plant, especially if there are children or the elderly at home, it is best to put it out of reach to prevent damage to the leaves.

Can water purify the air?

Dripping Guanyin can purify the air. Because the leaves of Dishui Guanyin are very large, they can absorb carbon dioxide in the air day and night, and release oxygen together with chlorophyll, so Dishui Guanyin is a natural oxygen bar, especially for small families, and the effect of purifying the air is most obvious. In addition, it can also absorb dust in the air, so when there is more dust on the blade, wipe it with a rag to avoid yellowing the blade.

To sum up, most of the yellow leaves of Dishui Guanyin are caused by factors such as insufficient light, insufficient moisture or poor ventilation, so during the breeding period, try to do a good job in basic management such as soil change, water and fertilizer, so as to grow greener.