
What are the tricks of digging winter bamboo shoots? It is neither astringent nor numb to deal with it this way!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Winter shoots are developed from the bamboo shoots on the bamboo whips of Phyllostachys pubescens, which have not yet been unearthed in winter and are generally better eaten in January or February. It can not only stir-fry, but also stew soup, taste delicious and crisp, nourish yin and cool blood, moisturize intestines, clear heat and resolve phlegm and so on.

Winter shoots are developed from the bamboo shoots on the bamboo whips of Phyllostachys pubescens, which have not yet been unearthed in winter and are generally better eaten in January or February. It can be stir-fried or stewed. It tastes delicious and crisp and has the effects of nourishing yin and cooling blood, moistening the intestines, clearing heat and resolving phlegm and so on. So, do you know how to dig winter bamboo shoots? Here are some tips for digging winter bamboo shoots.

1. Brief introduction of winter bamboo shoots

What do winter bamboo shoots look like?

Winter bamboo shoots are bamboo shoots hidden in the soil in winter. The ends are like small boats, the top is thin, the bottom is thick, and the weight is generally about three or two. The bamboo shoot clothing is golden, and the bamboo shoot meat is milky white. It feels very solid.

2. Where are the main winter bamboo shoots produced?

Winter bamboo shoots are mainly produced in Guizhou Chishui, Sichuan Yibin, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangxi and other places. Among them, Guizhou Chishui winter bamboo shoots are of good quality.

3. What is the effect of winter bamboo shoots?

Winter bamboo shoots contain protein, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cellulose and other nutrients, which have the functions of nourishing yin and cooling blood, moistening intestines, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, relieving thirst and relieving annoyance, clearing heat and benefiting qi, diuresis and relieving stomach, detoxification and rash, nourishing liver and eyesight, digestion and so on. But should pay attention to, urethral calculus, nephritis patients, weak and sickly people, the elderly, infants and young children, female menstruation should not eat.

Second, the skill of digging winter bamboo shoots

1. Looking for bamboo shoots

Digging winter bamboo shoots is more difficult to find bamboo shoots, because it is hidden in the soil, as long as you find bamboo shoots, it is easy to dig. So, how to find it?

First, you can find it according to bamboo. Young bamboo will not grow bamboo shoots, it is recommended to look for more than two years old and less than four years old bamboo, there may be shoots around them; if you see shoot tips, you can dig around, generally can dig bamboo shoots.

Second, it can be found according to the soil. Where the soil is relatively loose, there are bamboo shoots. If the soil is slightly raised, loose, or cracked, gently stepping on the soft feeling with your feet is a sign of bamboo shoots; if the bamboo forest is on a slope, the bamboo shoots are usually downhill.

Third, we can find it according to the bamboo whip. Bamboo whip bifurcations where there are bamboo shoots, bamboo whips suddenly from the ground deep into the bamboo shoots, if you dig bamboo shoots, you can dig along both sides of the bamboo whip, there must be a lot of bamboo shoots.

Fourth, it can be found according to the detector. There is a kind of machine on the market called winter bamboo shoot detector, which can easily detect where there are bamboo shoots underground.

2. Digging bamboo shoots

After finding the bamboo shoots, you can dig them. First of all, gently pluck the soil with a hoe, dig slightly near the base, find the yellow or brown whips, and then turn the soil along the whips to find the winter bamboo shoots, and then you can dig them out. After digging, take a look at the direction of the bamboo whip. If you continue to dig along both sides, you will certainly be able to dig a lot of bamboo shoots. When digging, you should be careful not to hurt the small bamboo shoots and break the bamboo whips. The bamboo shoots are dug up and buried with the original soil.

Third, how to deal with winter bamboo shoots?

If the newly dug bamboo shoots are not treated, they will have astringent and sesame taste, so how to deal with them without astringency and numbness?

1. Use yellow rice wine bubble: first, peel, wash and slice the winter bamboo shoots; then, soak the sliced winter bamboo shoots with an appropriate amount of yellow rice wine, stir them first, stir them for 5 minutes, and stir once or twice along the way; finally, pick up the winter bamboo shoots with a leaky spoon, its astringent and sesame taste are all in the wine.

2. Boil the bamboo shoots in clean water: first, peel, wash and cut the bamboo shoots in half; then, boil the bamboo shoots in half in boiling water until 5 ripe; finally, remove the 5-mature bamboo shoots and soak them in cold water. As long as the water is hot, you can change the water a few more times, generally soaking for a day or two to remove astringency and sesame taste.

3. Soak in salt water: first, peel, wash and slice the winter bamboo shoots; then, marinate the sliced bamboo shoots in salt water for about 4 hours; finally, pour out the salt water, rinse with clean water, then soak in clean water, and change the water once every three or four hours. Generally, the astringent and sesame taste can be removed in about a day.

4. Soak the bamboo shoots in white vinegar: first, put the bamboo shoots in white vinegar mixed with water and soak them for about 4 hours; then, remove the bamboo shoots and rinse them with clean water; finally, soak them in clean water and change the water once every three or four hours. Generally, the astringent and sesame taste can be removed after soaking for one day.

Conclusion: the most important thing to dig winter bamboo shoots is to find bamboo shoots. only when you find them can you dig bamboo shoots. when digging, be careful not to hurt small bamboo shoots and break bamboo whips. The winter bamboo shoots dug up are generally astringent and sesame, and they need to be processed before they can be eaten.