
The mechanization of the whole process of crop production has become a general trend.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In order to promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and speed up the process of agricultural modernization, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "opinions on promoting the whole process of Mechanization of the production of Major crops." the whole process of mechanization of major crop production will be carried out throughout the country.

In order to promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and speed up the process of agricultural modernization, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "opinions on promoting the whole process of Mechanization of the production of Major crops." the whole process of mechanization of major crop production will be carried out throughout the country. Opinions point out that by 2020, the comprehensive mechanization level of crop ploughing, planting and harvesting will reach 68 percent, of which rice, wheat and corn will all reach more than 80 percent, and the levels of mechanized plant protection, drying and straw treatment will all be greatly improved.

By carrying out the whole-process mechanization promotion action, we will comprehensively improve the mechanization level of major crop production links, give full play to the integrated technology of agricultural machinery, save costs and increase efficiency, and promote large-scale operation, and significantly improve agricultural production efficiency, reduce production costs, promote the transformation of agricultural development mode, and constantly improve the comprehensive production capacity and market competitiveness of agriculture.