
Make more efforts to promote the innovation of agricultural science and technology

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Today, the collaborative innovation of agricultural science and technology has broken down the barriers of the internal administrative region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and become a banner to show the collaborative innovation of science and technology in the three places. Recently, the reporter learned from the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences that in recent years, the three places have built a platform, defined the main body, and targeted production.

Today, the collaborative innovation of agricultural science and technology has broken down the barriers of the internal administrative region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and become a banner to show the collaborative innovation of science and technology in the three places. Recently, the reporter learned from the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences that in recent years, through effective measures such as building a platform, defining the main body, and targeting industries, the three places have firmly promoted the collaborative innovation of agricultural science and technology among the three places.

A number of collaborative innovation platforms for agricultural science and technology have been built in the three places. The establishment of the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Agricultural Science and Technology Synergetic Innovation Center" aims to focus on cooperation to promote the adjustment, optimization, upgrading and coordinated development of the agricultural industrial structure of the three places; the establishment of the Capital Edible Mushroom Industry Science and Technology Innovation Service Alliance aims to promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei edible mushroom industry. The "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Agricultural institutions Collaborative Innovation Strategic Alliance" aims to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of agricultural colleges and universities in agriculture and water security and related fields in terms of talent, science and technology, information and location.

The three places have carried out diversified and multi-level subject cooperation. The first is the cooperation among the scientific research institutes of the three universities. For example, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Agricultural Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, initiated by the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, takes the three Academies of Agricultural Sciences as the main body. The planned "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Agricultural Institute Collaborative Innovation Strategic Alliance" is led by China Agricultural University. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Agricultural College, Hebei Agricultural University, Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tianjin Agricultural College and Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences participated. Second, the cooperation of enterprises as the main body, such as the "Capital Edible Mushroom Industry Science and Technology Innovation Service Alliance" is an innovation platform with enterprises as the main body, in order to promote the integration of regional edible fungus breeding and propagation. Third, the cooperation between scientific research institutions and local government departments. For example, the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences has reached a consensus on cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology of Hebei Province, Longhua County Government of Chengde City, Tangshan Caofeidian District Government, Qian'an Municipal Government, and other units on strengthening the promotion of efficient and practical technologies to promote the development of local industries.

The three places aim at organizing scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation in many fields of the agricultural industry. At the recent meeting on collaborative innovation of agricultural science and technology among the three places, seven major areas of cooperation have been jointly identified, including regional agricultural planning research for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, ecological environmental protection and regional sustainable development, scientific and technological innovation of the seed industry, controllable high-quality agriculture of the whole industry chain, suburban multi-functional leisure agriculture, agricultural Internet of things technology research and demonstration, and rural and agricultural informatization.