
Why are the leaves of evergreen leaves yellowing?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Evergreen leaf yellowing is a relatively easy phenomenon in evergreen breeding, evergreen breeding is relatively easy, leaf yellowing may not be a big problem, but it also affects the ornamental value of evergreen and the beautification effect of the home, so it is solved in time.

Evergreen leaf yellowing is a relatively easy phenomenon in evergreen breeding, evergreen breeding is relatively easy, leaf yellowing may not be a big problem, but it also affects the ornamental value of evergreen and the beautification effect of the home, so it is solved in time.

There are many reasons for the yellowing of evergreen leaves, so it is necessary to analyze and see where the problem lies and then deal with it pertinently, so as not to affect the growth of evergreen and the common maintenance problems of flowers and leaves.

Evergreen flowers and leaves like warm, humid and semi-shady growth environment, itself afraid of cold, vulnerable to frost damage, and afraid of drought.

So there are always some problems in the process of maintenance.

1. Suffer frost injury in winter

The flowers and leaves are afraid of the cold and are susceptible to cold, resulting in the loss of plant growth.

2. the lack of light causes the leaves to fade.

When the light is not enough, the leaves of evergreen flowers and leaves can not carry out photosynthesis well, so they will lack nutrients. If it is too hidden for a long time, it will also cause the leaves to fade.

3. High temperature burns

The temperature is too high, and dry summer, easy to make flowers and leaves evergreen burn, leaves yellowing, wilting.

4. Diseases and insect pests

Evergreen flowers and leaves are also vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, mainly leaf spot and anthracnose, as well as brown soft scale and other insect pests, resulting in branches and leaves withered and other symptoms, affecting the healthy growth of plants.