
Black wolfberry at the forefront of public opinion should be treated calmly.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Reading tips recently, the news of grabbing black wolfberry has been seen in the media from time to time. For a while, this initially unknown wild fruit stood on the forefront of public opinion. What are the real effects of black wolfberry, what are the planting characteristics, and what is the value of promotion?

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Recently, the news of grabbing black wolfberry has been seen in the media from time to time. For a while, this initially unknown wild fruit stood on the forefront of public opinion. What are the true effects of black wolfberry, what are the planting characteristics, and how much is the value of promotion? the reporter interprets them for you one by one by interviewing relevant authoritative experts.

Where on earth is "Jingui"?

Rich in anthocyanins, the rest of the ingredients are not much different from those of red wolfberry.

At present, the price of dried black wolfberry fruit per jin on the market varies from hundreds to thousands, some even tens of thousands. The promotion of the efficacy of black wolfberry is even more varied: some say it can fight cancer; some say it can prevent and treat high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and diabetes; and some say it can delay aging and call it the laudatory name of "soft gold." Is it really that magical?

Ma Shizhen, a professor at the characteristic Biological Resources Research Center of the Institute of Northwest Plateau Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told reporters that compared with red Chinese wolfberry, the biggest advantage of black Chinese wolfberry is its high anthocyanin content. According to the determination, the content of anthocyanin in fresh fruit of black wolfberry can reach about 4% at most. In addition, such as polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and other ingredients, compared with red wolfberry, there is not much difference.

According to the reporter's understanding, the most significant role of anthocyanins is antioxidation and scavenging free radicals in the human body. Free radicals are harmful compounds produced in the oxidation reaction of the body, with strong oxidation, which can damage the tissues and cells of the body, and then cause chronic diseases and aging effects.

Ma Shizhen said: "theoretically, anthocyanins can scavenge free radicals and delay the apoptosis of human cells." But its character is very unstable, light, heat, acid will decompose, and due to individual differences, eat anthocyanins, how much the human body can absorb, in what form is absorbed by the human body, these are inconclusive in the current research. There is no scientific basis for its claims of anti-cancer and prevention and treatment of some diseases. "

Does black wolfberry have any effect on the human body, and how big is it? Qin Ken, an associate researcher at the National Chinese Wolfberry Engineering and Technology Research Center, believes that black Chinese wolfberry does have a certain effect on the human body, but at present, the efficacy of black Chinese wolfberry is not only not verified by the traditional Chinese medicine system, but also lacks the data support of modern medical basic theory, so it should not be exaggerated.

The true efficacy and edible and medicinal value of black wolfberry still need to be tested by science and time. In reality, black wolfberry is in an awkward position. The state has incorporated red wolfberry into both food and medicine, but black wolfberry is neither food nor medicine, and the relevant standards have not been established. In terms of its medicinal value, Zhang Cun, a researcher at the Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese Medicine, said that whether black wolfberry has anti-cancer, cosmetic and curative effects should be viewed and considered rationally and scientifically to avoid blindly following the trend and false propaganda. In order to enter the field of traditional Chinese medicine, black wolfberry needs to be supported by a large number of basic research data and experimental conclusions in terms of safety and effectiveness; secondly, it should go through strict technical review and approval by drug regulatory departments in accordance with the law; in addition, while developing and utilizing, attention should be paid to the protection of its wild resources and ecological environment.

Can it be planted artificially?

-- the technical system of artificial cultivation has been basically formed, and the breeding of varieties needs to be developed.

Most of the black Chinese wolfberry sold on the market are labeled as wild black Chinese wolfberry, so can black Chinese wolfberry be planted artificially? If artificial planting, what kind of technical conditions are needed, and is there any difference between the fruit produced and the wild one?

In fact, as early as 2002, researchers in Qinghai, Gansu and other places began the artificial domestication, purification and promotion of wild black wolfberry. After years of efforts, artificial cultivation of Lycium barbarum has been successful, and began to be popularized and planted in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other places. In Haixi region of Qinghai, the area of artificially planted black wolfberry has reached 27300 mu, and about 5000 mu have been hung up.

The reporter investigated that in the past few years, black wolfberry was also artificially planted, but wild black wolfberry trees were transplanted into the field for planting, but the survival rate was very low, only about 10%. At present, there are two main ways of artificial cultivation of black wolfberry, one is to use cutting technology to achieve artificial planting through asexual reproduction, and the other is to obtain seeds by washing wild or artificially planted fruit of black wolfberry, and then raise seedlings with seeds.

Wang Zhanlin, a researcher at the Institute of Forestry of Qinghai Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, told reporters that the technology of artificial cultivation of Qinghai black wolfberry from raising seedlings to cultivation has been basically formed, of which the standard of raising seedlings has been examined and approved by the Provincial Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision, and the technical system of cultivation has also been basically formed. These technical conditions have been able to meet the artificial cultivation of black wolfberry, three-year-old black wolfberry yield 30kg 50 jin per mu, four-year-old can reach 100 jin.