
Guide the orderly circulation of the contracted management right of rural land

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous promotion of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, the transfer of management rights of rural farmers' contracted land in Qingcheng District is obviously accelerated, and the development of appropriate scale operation has become an inevitable trend. Practice has proved that land circulation and moderate scale operation are the present of development.

With the continuous promotion of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, the transfer of management rights of rural farmers' contracted land in Qingcheng District is obviously accelerated, and the development of appropriate scale operation has become an inevitable trend. Practice has proved that land circulation and moderate scale operation are the only way to develop modern agriculture.

The question now is, how can we achieve the orderly transfer of rural land contractual management rights? How can we do a good job in appropriate scale operation of agriculture? The author believes that it will be an effective measure to guide the orderly circulation of rural land contractual management rights, to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture, and to establish a transaction platform for the circulation of rural land contractual management rights in the whole region.

In order to make farmers become active participants and real beneficiaries of land circulation and scale operation, the author believes that a three-level trading platform of village, town, street and district should be established. The first-level trading platform takes the village as the unit, and the village committee is responsible for collecting, sorting out and registering the land situation of the villagers. on this basis, the village-level land files are established, the relevant circulation information is electronically, and the second-level trading platform is uniformly reported to the second-level trading platform. and update the reporting content at any time.

The second-level trading platform takes the town street as the unit, and the department in charge of the town street sums up, statistics and collates the land transfer information reported by the first-level trading platform, verifies the rights of the land declared by farmers, and establishes second-level land files, electronically report the relevant transfer information to the third-level trading platform, and update the reporting content at any time.

The third-level trading platform, taking the district level as a unit, sums up, statistics and collates the land transfer information reported at the second level, establishes three-level land files, and electronically turns the relevant transfer information into electronic. together with the information to be flowed into the "trading platform" to carry out public listing transactions, and update the reporting content at any time, promote land circulation quickly, effectively and safely, and provide quality services for all parties in circulation.

The land listed for trading should be the land that has been confirmed, the land that has been verified, registered and issued a land certificate. The transfer of land management rights shall adhere to the principles of law, voluntariness and compensation, and shall not violate the wishes of contracted farmers, damage farmers' rights and interests, change land use, or destroy comprehensive agricultural production capacity and agricultural ecological environment. And establish corresponding restraint and supervision mechanisms to put an end to intermediary and clandestine operations.

The circulation of rural land management rights is a systematic project, and the trading platform is only one of the links. We should be fully aware of the long-term nature, arduousness and complexity of this work, and should not one-sidedly exaggerate the role of the trading platform. It is necessary to organically combine the work of the trading platform with land development, land rights determination and land integration, so as to make it play a greater role in the whole system chain.

At the same time, the establishment of a trading platform can not be achieved overnight, at the beginning may be primary, single function. When the circulation market is mature, this platform can be gradually built into a compound functional platform that integrates transactions and resource integration, and becomes an indispensable core link in the land circulation system, so as to continuously improve labor productivity, land output rate and resource utilization.

The author believes that as long as we proceed from reality and adopt a positive and steady attitude, we will certainly be able to build a good transaction platform for the circulation of rural land management rights in the whole region. With the mature operation of the trading platform, it will certainly inject new vitality into the large-scale and modern development of agriculture in Qingcheng.