
What if the leaves of family potted roses turn yellow? Six tricks to teach you a quick solution.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Roses are a kind of flowers that many people like. Different colors of roses represent different meanings. Red roses represent love, purple roses represent romance, pink roses represent first love, and so on. The roses bought on the market are not only expensive, but also cannot be stored in water.

Roses are a kind of flowers that many people like. Different colors of roses represent different meanings. Red roses represent love, purple roses represent romance, pink roses represent first love, and so on. The roses bought on the market are not only expensive, but will not be in stock for long. Some flower lovers choose their own potted roses, which can not only play a decorative role, but also make people feel happy. In the maintenance, the phenomenon of yellow leaves of potted roses is very common, how to do? Don't worry, you'll know what to do after reading this article.

First, the reason why the leaves of roses turn yellow

1. Insufficient or excessive light

Only when there is light, photosynthesis can be carried out, and only in the leaves can they remain green. If there is not enough light, the leaves will be light, yellow or even fall off. Of course, it is easy to get too much light in summer, and the leaves after sunburn will turn yellow, withered and spotted.

2. Too little or too much watering

The growth of roses is inseparable from water. Too little watering will cause drought and lack of water, resulting in yellowing of leaves. Overwatering can easily make the potted soil accumulate too much water, affect the roots of roses, and even rot. In that way, the whole rose has no nutrients, the leaves naturally yellowed, or even the whole plant died.

3. The temperature is too high or too low

Although roses like the warm environment, but in the summer temperature is particularly high, you do not give proper shade, there will be curly leaves, yellow phenomenon. If you leave it outdoors all the time in the cold winter, the rose leaves that enter the dormant period will turn yellow and fall.

4. Improper pruning

Pruning roses is for modeling and better growth, many people ignore this point, let it play freely, if the flower branches are too dense will compete for nutrients, nutrition can not reach the yellowing leaves.

5. Too much or too little fertilization

Improper fertilization of roses will also cause leaves to wither and yellow. if you fertilize too much or too often, the tips of old leaves will wither and yellow and fall; if you apply too little fertilizer, especially in the period of exuberant growth, the nutrients will not keep up, and the new leaves will appear light and yellow. will also slowly fall.

6. Improper control of diseases and insect pests

Roses encounter the invasion of diseases and insect pests, there will also be yellow leaves, spots, such as the common leaf spot, red spider.

Second, the solution to the yellowing of rose leaves

1. The solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by improper lighting.

If there is too much light, put it in a cool place at the right time, cut off the yellow leaves and water the right amount; if there is too little light, move outdoors in time to ensure that there is enough light every day, so that the leaves will slowly turn green.

2. the solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by improper watering

First of all, it is necessary to judge whether too much watering or too little causes the leaves to yellow. too much watering is more complicated. it is necessary to see if there is any rot in the roots of the basin soil. if so, cut off the rotten part, deal with the wound, and then plant it into another basin soil. If it is too little watering, then you can increase the amount of water later, to slowly watering, one-time not too much.

3. The solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by temperature discomfort

Yellowing caused by high temperature should be cooled in time, and water should be sprayed around the leaves to increase air humidity; yellowing of leaves caused by low temperature should be moved to the room to keep the indoor temperature not lower than 8 ℃.

4. the solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by improper pruning

Every year in the rose growth period, generally choose spring, will be diseased branches, withered branches, weak branches and other pruning, will not lead to late branches and leaves too dense to compete for the nutrients of the whole plant.

5. the solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by improper fertilization

Fertilize too little, replenish the fertilizer in time, but don't fertilize too much at once; if you fertilize too much, you should water and dilute the fertilizer in time. If it doesn't work, it's best to transplant.

6. the solution to the yellowing of leaves caused by diseases and insect pests

First of all, it is necessary to judge which kind of disease is caused before we can prescribe the right medicine to the case. Secondly, it should be placed in a ventilated and dry environment to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Finally, we should use the medicine reasonably and pay attention to the cleaning of the leaves.

Conclusion: no matter what kind of cause the rose leaves turn yellow, they should be dealt with in time so as not to affect the growth of the whole plant. If it is not caused by the above six major reasons, it may also be the natural growth phenomenon of aging.