
How to water poinsettia? Explain the breeding methods and matters needing attention in detail!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Whenever New Year's Day or the Spring Festival, everywhere will be full of poinsettia, appear particularly festive and delicate, so many people like to put a basin at home or in the courtyard, then how to water such a delicate and beautiful poinsettia? How do you raise it? Next, let's take a look at the culture method and note of poinsettia.

Whenever New Year's Day or the Spring Festival, everywhere will be full of poinsettia, appear particularly festive and delicate, so many people like to put a basin at home or in the courtyard, then how to water such a delicate and beautiful poinsettia? How do you raise it? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of poinsettia.

1. Introduction of magenta:

1. What is the language of safflower?

Wish new life, celebrate all over the world, bring down demons and get rid of demons, my heart is burning.

2. What kinds of poinsettias are there?

Poinsettia, fireball poinsettia, Henrietta. Ike, sweet cheek red bud, ice cave and so on.

Second, how to water poinsettia? The watered flowers bloom more beautifully in this way!

1. Poinsettia does not have high requirements for moisture, so when watering, try to determine the amount of water according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the basin soil. General basin soil 1par 3 can be irrigated with an appropriate amount of water when it is dry, but do not pour "half-waist water", so as not to cause the abnormal phenomenon of root growth upward.

2. in the seedling stage, poinsettia should be watered in the evening as far as possible to promote the growth of seedlings.

3. During the peak growth period, poinsettia should be watered in the morning as far as possible, and the water temperature should be close to the air temperature. In winter, water should be watered around noon as far as possible to facilitate the plant to absorb water.

Third, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of poinsettia?

1. What are the breeding methods of poinsettia?

(1) soil requirements: Sandy loam is well planted.

Poinsettia likes to grow in an environment with loose soil and good drainage, so sandy loam is selected as far as possible when selecting soil. Of course, you can also use vegetable garden soil, humus soil, rotten leaf soil and mature cake fertilizer to mix into nutritious soil for planting.

(2) temperature: 15-20 degrees is the best.

Poinsettia likes warm and afraid of cold, and the general temperature can grow normally at 15-20 degrees, so in September, it is necessary to move it indoors and strengthen indoor ventilation, so that the plant can quickly adapt to the indoor environment to facilitate flower bud differentiation. It is worth noting that the indoor temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees, so as to avoid dysplasia of flowers and leaves.

(3) Fertilizer requirements: rational fertilization

Poinsettia likes fertilizer, so when potting or changing pots, try to add organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 7 to 10 days during the growing period, and nitrogen fertilizer every 7 to 10 days during flowering to promote flowers to bloom. It is worth noting that each fertilization should not be applied too much, and try to fertilize in the evening, watering in the morning, in order to facilitate the plant to better absorb nutrients.

(4) watering requirements: reasonable watering

Poinsettia does not have high requirements for moisture, so it is generally necessary to see dry and wet, so it is necessary to water less at the seedling stage, and when it is hot in summer, water is watered every morning and evening, and according to the air temperature, surface water is sprayed to improve indoor humidity; it can be watered every 1-2 days in spring and autumn. When watering, do not have too much or too little, lest the leaves droop.

(5) Illumination requirements: 12 hours of light per day

Poinsettia is a short-day plant, generally given less than 12 hours of light a day can promote flower bud differentiation, so spring, autumn and winter should be placed in places with light as far as possible, and appropriate shade at noon in summer, so as not to cause water evaporation in leaves and affect flowering. Of course, if you want to blossom earlier or later, you can give 8-9 hours of light every day to blossom after 40 days.

(6) pruning and plastic surgery: pruning from late June to mid-August

Poinsettia grows to a certain time, there will be residual branches, diseased branches, old roots and other useless branches, so in late June to mid-August, these useless branches can be cut off to prevent nutrients from being absorbed. In addition, when the branches grow to 20~30cm, they can be shaped and bent in autumn to ensure that the flower heads are neat and ornamental.

(7) Pest control: control with insecticides or special pesticides

Poinsettia during the growth period, there will be percent lice, so it is necessary to do a good job in advance control measures, for those who have diseases, pesticides can be used to control.

2. What are the points for attention in poinsettia?

(1) watering should be reasonable: poinsettia does not have high requirements for water, generally, as long as the basin soil is wet and not dry, it can grow healthily, so watering must be reasonable, so as not to affect plant growth because of too much or too little water.

(2) reasonable lighting: poinsettia likes light, but it does not mean that it likes strong light, so it should be properly shaded in the hot summer season to facilitate plant growth.

Conclusion: poinsettia is easy to feed and can grow healthily as long as light and moisture are controlled, but if you want to bloom earlier or later, you can use the method of light control to achieve flowering time.