
How to raise copper grass? You won't freeze to death if you raise it like this in winter!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The leaves of Tongqian grass are round, such as a copper coin and a pot raised at home, symbolizing wealth, reunion, wealth and good luck. It looks more special than the vulgarity decorated with golden copper coins. So, how to raise copper grass? I. Copper

The leaves of Tongqian grass are round, such as a copper coin and a pot raised at home, symbolizing wealth, reunion, wealth and good luck. It looks more special than the vulgarity decorated with golden copper coins. So, how to raise copper grass?

First, how to raise copper grass?

1. Propagation: there are two kinds of sowing and cutting, most of which are carried out from March to May.

(1) sowing: the seeds can be planted in the soil or in the water. First, put 2/3 of the soil in the flowerpot, gently put the seeds on the soil surface, cover with a thin layer of soil, put some pebbles, and then pour water. The water will sprout in about 4-5 days without passing the pebbles. You can also pour water in the flowerpot, and then sprinkle the seed, the water should not pass the seed, and then put it in a cool and ventilated place to change the water frequently. If the temperature is low, it can be wrapped in cling film, and it will germinate in about 3 days.

(2) Cuttage: select the branches with roots, then put 2/3 of the soil in the flowerpot, cut the branches into the soil and compact and fix them, then pour water into the basin, the water should not pass through the soil, and then put it in a place where there is more sunshine.

2. Soil: the cultivated soil with good soft drainage is the best.

Rabdosia angustifolia can be raised by soil or water. If it is raised by soil, it can grow even in barren soil, but it is better if it is soft and well drained. Rotten leaves, river mud, and garden soil can be used in proportion at 5:2:2; if it is raised by water, then do not consider the problem of soil.

3. The temperature should be between 10 and 25 ℃.

Rabdosia angustifolia likes warm environment, but it is not cold-resistant, and the temperature should be between 10 and 25 ℃. If the summer temperature is higher than 32 ℃ and the winter temperature is lower than 5 ℃, it will stop growing.

4. Light: half-day sunshine or shade.

Copper money grass avoid direct sunlight, maintenance in half a day or shade is better, let copper money grass receive 4 hours of scattered light every day, or give it 8 hours of artificial light.

5. Watering: keep the soil moist at all times.

Rabdosia angustifolia likes the moist growing environment, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist, water in time, and often spray water to the plants in summer to maintain high air humidity and often rub leaves. If it is raised by water, change the water once every 10 days in spring and summer, and once every semimonthly in autumn and winter.

6. Fertilization: generally, there is no need for fertilization.

Copper grass generally does not need to be fertilized, but the necessary nutrients are still needed. if it is raised by soil, solid fertilizer can be used, if it is raised by water, nutrient solution or foliar fertilizer can be used, and nitrogen fertilizer can be used as the main fertilizer. Fertilizers containing potassium can be applied appropriately, and fertilizers are applied every 2 to 3 weeks in the vigorous growth stage.

7. Diseases and insect pests: very few, no need for deliberate nursing.

Second, how can Tongqian grass not freeze to death in winter?

1, the southern region: the winter temperature in the south is not very low, so basically do not care about copper grass, can let it grow freely, if there is a leaf withering phenomenon, you can shave its head, put it in indoor places with scattered light for breeding.

2. The northern region: it is very cold in winter in the north. You can move the copper grass indoors. If you have heating at home, you don't have to worry about it. If there is no heating in the home, you can shave your head, pour out the water, and bury it with sand. Pay attention to keep the sand moist, and it will sprout and grow again the next year.

Conclusion: the above are the breeding methods of Rabdosia angustifolia, which can be cultured successfully by grasping the temperature, light, watering and fertilization. In winter, the first thing to pay attention to is the temperature. If the temperature is too low, it will freeze to death. It can be raised in a place with heating. If the temperature is enough, it can grow freely.