
When will the colorful petunia be sown? What is the planting method?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Petunia does not refer to the shorter one of the petunias, and their families and genera are even different. Petunias are Solanaceae, petunias are petunias, so don't get confused. As a hot petunia in recent years, it has been sought after by many flower lovers.

Petunia does not refer to the shorter one of the petunias, and their families and genera are even different. Petunias are Solanaceae, petunias are petunias, so don't get confused. As a hot petunia in recent years, it has been sought after by many flower lovers. Because it is not only easy to take care of, flowering in a variety of colors, flowering for a long time, whether in indoor or outdoor is a very good decorative flowers. When will the petunia sow? What is the planting method?

When will the petunia be sown?

Petunia is not high for the growing environment, and it can be sown all the year round in the protected areas of the Yangtze River. In general, the sowing time of antenatal examination is spring sowing and autumn sowing, because petunia grows best at 18-25 ℃.

1. Spring sowing: spring is the most suitable season for sowing, because the temperature warms up in spring, and if you sow petunia in summer, it will blossom in summer. Of course, you can also sow some seeds in advance.

2. Summer sowing: it can not be said that it is not suitable for sowing in this season, but if you want to have a high emergence rate, you will feel more strict than other seasons, so you generally do not choose summer sowing.

3. Autumn sowing: autumn sowing is generally suitable for the northern region because of heating. Why do you need heating? Because autumn sowing can not blossom until the next spring, there must be a temperature guarantee in order to get through the winter smoothly.

II. Planting methods of Petunia

1. Sowing and transplanting

The seeds of petunia are very small, so when sowing, you only need to sprinkle them on the surface of the soil. Instead of watering them directly, you should spray them with a special spray bottle (which is usually sold in the store, 1-2 yuan per small spray bottle). In case the water rushes into the soil. Remember that the temperature is not too high during the emergence of the seeds, otherwise the buds will rot.

When the seeds germinate and grow into small seedlings (about 5 leaves), they can be moved to a large basin for planting. For the beauty of the shape, a pot and a seedling will be fine. Remember a few points: first, add base fertilizer to the soil in the basin; second, don't put it in the sun in the first three days after transplanting, put it in a ventilated and cool place; and third, remember to keep the right temperature throughout the growing period.

2. Reasonable watering

Petunia is a kind of flower that likes dry and wet, so reasonable watering is very important. Seedlings are easy to rot if they are watered too much. The principle of watering should remember to see the dry and wet, according to the soil moisture to determine the amount of watering. During the period of exuberant growth in summer, moisture can be increased appropriately.

3. Fertilization

Diligent fertilization and thin fertilization are very fastidious, which not only does not harm Petunia, but also promotes its growth and root system. Generally speaking, after the emergence of petunia stamens, do not use nitrogen fertilizer, but change to foliar fertilizer. This can control the shape of the potted plant, the plant is not stout, but there are many buds.

At the same time, to observe the color of petunia leaves, if there is a lack of fertilizer, the leaves will become lighter or even yellow.

4. Pick the heart at the right time

If your petunia has slow branching and uneven growth, you must slightly adjust the shape of the petunia by picking the heart. Of course, if the control of water and fertilizer at the seedling stage is good, don't pick the heart.

5. Pest control

The most common petunia are leaf miner and whitefly. In general, it would be good to use a little flower protection. If it is not well controlled, it is recommended to consult a professional.

The above is the introduction of the planting time and methods of petunia. Petunia is not only easy to plant and manage, but also has a beautiful shape and color. It is a good choice for indoor flowers. Flower lovers should plant them quickly.