
How do you raise violets? Is it really toxic?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Violet is a famous European flower, which is also cultivated in many big cities in China, especially in the south. Violet can also be called sweet-scented osmanthus, grass violet, belongs to the cruciferous family. Because the color is bright and bright, it is particularly eye-catching. So Violet.

Violet is a famous European flower, which is also cultivated in many big cities in China, especially in the south. Violet can also be called sweet-scented osmanthus, grass violet, belongs to the cruciferous family. Because the color is bright and bright, it is particularly eye-catching. So how do you raise violets? Is it really toxic?

First, how to raise violets?

In fact, the cultivation of violets is not difficult. The editor has summed up the breeding skills for you. Let's take a look:

1. Soil

Violet, like most green plants, likes well drained and fertile soil, similar to gardenia, and can stimulate its growth in acidic or neutral soil.

2. Lighting

Violets like a warm environment, so plenty of sunshine will only be good for its growth, but avoid direct contact with strong light. In the normal cultivation process, can be put in the balcony ventilation, encounter a sunny day, do not face the sun for a long time, enjoy photosynthesis and move back to the shade in time.

3. Temperature

Violet is contrary to many plants in terms of temperature. It doesn't like the hot and dry environment and prefers cold weather. Therefore, it is generally necessary to cool down in summer, and it is most appropriate to keep the temperature at about 15 degrees, and the cold tolerance in winter is general, above 0 degrees, and below 0 degrees may lead to the risk of frostbite.

4. Watering

In the process of Violet's growth, watering at the beginning requires everyone to follow the principle that the soil in the basin is dry and then irrigated, otherwise the roots will rot because of too much watering. Due to the low temperature in winter and early spring and autumn, the amount of water can not be too much, and the evaporation and absorption of water at low temperature are not so fast.

5. Fertilization

It is critical for Violet to apply fertilizer at the growth stage and needs to be replenished once every half a month. In general, we will use thin cake fertilizer or other nutritional fertilizer, wait until there are buds before using calcium phosphate. When applying fertilizer, we should be careful not to spill fat and water on the leaves.

Are violets poisonous?

The editor can tell you clearly that violets are not poisonous.

Violet because of the beautiful flowers, many people will produce the idea that beautiful flowers are poisonous, which is not right. Violet not only has garden value and can be watched in pots, but also has good health care value. Can clear heat and detoxification, for the human respiratory tract of great help, can regulate bronchitis.

The question about violets is summarized here today. I hope it will be helpful to your planting and cultivation. The beauty of violets at the time of flowering can not be replaced by many flowers of the same subject. Interested friends can learn more about it.