
What is the identification method of shanzhai old white tea? Why are some old white teas expensive and some cheap?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, When it comes to the current market price of old white tea, it can be described as uneven. Especially when you look at a cat, treasure or thing, you will be absolutely dumbfounded, and the price of old white tea will fluctuate too much! Expensive old white tea, tens of thousands of jin, while cheap tea, one

When it comes to the current market price of old white tea, it can be described as "uneven". Especially when you look at a certain cat, treasure or something, it will definitely be dumbfounded, and the price of old white tea fluctuates too much! Expensive old white tea costs tens of thousands of yuan a jin, while cheap tea costs only tens of yuan per jin, or even half a hundred yuan. So why are some old white teas cheap and some expensive? How to identify old white tea? Today, the editor will uncover the inside story of the shanzhai old white tea of the black-hearted merchants, in order to correct the name of the healthy old white tea with charm, connotation and taste.

Why are some old white teas cheap and some expensive?

Tea friends often ask, "Why is old white tea so precious that there is only a few dozen yuan per jin on a treasure? hum, don't drink your old white tea." Seeing such a dialogue, only a lot of tea farmers were left messy in the wind for a long time.

In fact, if you look at the so-called black color of dozens of yuan per jin, and then compare the colorful tea leaves, you are suddenly relieved. Although these tens of yuan tea have obvious advantages in price, but this tea. Looking at the black tea, can you still drink it?

Value determines the price, this should be the principle of making tea, a valuable tea, can definitely match the price! Shanzhai old white tea is naturally only worth dozens of yuan, because its value is so much, no, in fact, it is not even worth dozens of yuan, it has no value!

The following editor will introduce to you several common identification methods of shanzhai old white tea:

"1" shanzhai old white tea one: be old

The reason why it is listed as the first copycat means is that it is the most common and tea friends are most likely to be fooled and confused. The reason why making old white tea can be rampant is that the cost of making old white tea is not high, but the profit is high, so many unscrupulous tea merchants began to sell this kind of old white tea in large quantities.

Since the cost is not high, the relative price is also very cheap, and it will even make you feel like picking up for nothing. Pick up the leak, who doesn't want to? For example, we often talk about 12-year-old white tea, but only 66 yuan for free delivery! Are you excited? But there is no pie in the sky, only traps.

When you can't help but want to buy it, the editor still wants to advise you to carefully buy this kind of tea that runs counter to the market value. The older the year is, the cheaper the price of white tea is. Before you buy white tea, you should first understand its quality.

Secondly, there are many flaws in the appearance of making old white tea. To make old white tea, because it has to be roasted and fermented at high temperature, the pigment has been greatly destroyed, so the color of making old white tea looks very dark and terrible. The old white tea aged in normal state is colorful, colorful and layered, and looks like camouflage clothes, such as yellowish brown, bronze, dark green, and so on. The more uniform the color of the old white tea, the more attention should be paid.

Finally, making old white tea can't stand drinking.

Make old white tea and you'll know after you try it. But this method of identification is also the last method that can not be seen. There's no way. After all, you can't return it after you've had a drink, and you're still bearing the loss. Old white tea brewed at high temperature will reveal its original shape under the action of boiling water, no matter how well camouflaged it is before. To get old is to ferment white tea and roast it at high temperature, using physical methods to speed up the natural process. It is similar to the promotion of seedlings. At this time, the internal substances have been destroyed, naturally there is no mellow taste, there will be a scorched taste, the tea is bitter and light. There is no sense of freshness at the bottom of the leaf. If you rub it slightly with your hand, it will fester badly. This will never happen at the bottom of the leaf of normal old white tea, and even a little effort will not be crushed. This kind of old white tea appears most frequently, but it is also best to see through it. As long as you pay attention to it, you can avoid being deceived.

"2" copycat old white tea II: Wudu heap

The traditional process of white tea is to hang the green tea thinly on a water sieve so that it can breathe freely and form its own unique quality. this process is also known as withering. After withering and drying, white tea belongs to micro-fermented tea and has good quality characteristics.

Pile refers to the green tea stacked to a certain height (usually about 70CM) after sprinkling water, covered with linen, to promote the action of tea enzymes, so that it is fermented under the action of dampness and heat for about 24 hours, and then spread out to dry after the tea is transformed to a certain degree. The traditional process of white tea production is that the white tea can not be stacked high together, otherwise the green tea will produce heat during respiration, which will damage the quality of the tea and darken the color.

After the pile of tea, with the difference in the degree of pile, the color has changed from green to yellow, chestnut red, chestnut black, this kind of tea can still be called white tea?

The Wudu pile of white tea is also to create a fake year to make the new white tea look like the old white tea. This is a kind of deception. Tea friends should not be deceived. Similarly, to distinguish Wudui white tea, also depends on its color.

The more uniform the color of white tea is, the more fishy it is, and the more cautious tea friends are.

"3" counterfeit Old White Tea III: lie about the year

In addition to making old and fertile piles, lying about the year of white tea is also a means of copycat.

This method avoids the defect that the color of tea looks too uniform, but the color is too bright and looks abnormal. As the aging age is getting longer and longer, the color of tea is constantly changing, just like autumn, the leaves continue to change from fresh green to withered yellow, which is a natural and irreversible process.

"4" copycat Old White Tea IV: inferior quality

There is also a kind of old white tea, which is even more irritating. From the appearance, it is indeed a perfect cake of old white tea, from color to aroma people can not be picky. But after prying open the tea cake, it is surprising that where the complete leaves can be found, they are all fragments and dregs of tea. This kind of old white tea is one of the "straw bags" that can "afford" gold and jade among them.

The real old white tea, whether on the outside or inside, the tea should be complete and consistent in color, not like making dumplings. It looks bright and appetizing on the outside, but it is inferior on the inside.

To verify this is also very simple, just pry open the white tea and observe whether the color of the tea cake is uniform and whether the leaves are as complete.

For every penny, the value and price are equal. If you want to avoid the trap of making old white tea, you should start with yourself, do not take advantage of petty gains and suffer big losses, do more basic homework for old white tea, and need good blacksmiths to make good steel.