
Come and learn about the planting time and pot method of leek!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Now people living in the city have long lost the opportunity to grow in the vegetable garden, but these will not be difficult to the wise working people, potted vegetables have even become fashionable. The following is to introduce the planting time and method of leek. If you don't know it, come here.

Now people living in the city have long lost the opportunity to grow in the vegetable garden, but these will not be difficult to the wise working people, potted vegetables have even become a "fashion". The following is to introduce the planting time and methods of leeks, friends who do not understand come and have a look!

I. the basic situation of leeks

1. An alias for leek

Chinese chive is a perennial herb with strong odor, which is cultivated all over the country. Leek is also known as Fengben, grass stalactite, Qiyang grass, lazybones, Changsheng leek, aphrodisiac grass, flat vegetables, intestinal lavage grass and so on.

two。 The shape of leek

The height of leek is 20 to 50 centimeters, there are about 40 kinds of absorption, transportation, storage and storage; there are vegetative stems and flower stems, leaves are flat banded clusters, there are broad leaves and narrow leaves, and there are wax powder on the surface of leek leaves.

3. The value of leek

The vitamins and minerals in leek play a certain role in promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, preventing colorectal cancer and reducing cholesterol absorption. In addition, it can also be helpful in tonifying the kidney, dispersing blood stasis, interpretation, stopping dysentery and so on.

Second, the planting time of leek

One of the most important things about growing vegetables is to grasp the planting time, because if you grasp the planting time, it will be much easier to grow leeks. Generally speaking, the sowing time of leek can be divided into spring sowing, summer sowing and autumn sowing.

1. Spring sowing leek: spring sowing leek early rather than late, spring local temperature stable at 5-10 ℃ can be sown. At this time, the ground is not completely clear, the return period to the surface is relatively wet, it is easy to emerge, this sowing method also avoids grass damage, because the leek seedlings come out faster after sowing, and the temperature at that time is not suitable for weed germination, resulting in a jet lag.

two。 Summer sowing of leek: summer sowing leek is usually sown after cucumber and tomato strike, at this time the temperature is high and prone to drought and waterlogging, the sowing amount is about 1/3 larger than that in spring, and the soil cover is not easy to be too thick, keeping the soil moist, which is conducive to the emergence of whole seedlings.

3. Autumn sowing of leek: generally sowing before and after the Beginning of Autumn, the sowing amount is twice as large as that in spring, and the management is mainly dry and wet. Attention should be paid to grass damage in the later stage. Autumn sowing is generally not recommended.

4. However, the spring sowing time of leek in the Huang-Huai River Basin in China is from early April to mid-April, from December to February in the south and from May to June in the north.

Third, the planting method of potted leek.

1. Potted leek at home can choose a larger rectangular container, choose rich soft soil plus some nutrient soil and rotten leaf soil is the best, so that the leek will grow better. Leek can be planted with seeds or roots. Generally, if seeds are used, the growth process may be much longer than that of roots.

two。 If it is planted with a root block, the planting basin should be more than 20 cm deep, because the root system of leek is more developed, and the use of a container with high depth is more conducive to root stretching and growth. In addition, remember to water the well-planted leeks.

3. If the leek grows very dense in the later stage, it can be planted separately, the area of the flowerpot can be expanded, or it can be transplanted in other containers, so that more leeks can grow. Want to get luxuriant leek watering, fertilization must not be less, and reasonable light can not be forgotten.

4. General leek planting for two years or so the soil nutrients have been basically absorbed, so it is necessary to change the pot to change the soil, change the soil to pour water, but should be careful not to appear stagnant water, so as not to cause leek rotting roots.

5. When the leek grows to about 20 centimeters, it can be harvested and eaten. After cutting, the flowerpot can sprinkle some plant ash, rotten chicken dung, and cooked soybeans (soybeans are best buried in the soil). After a period of time, you can get a luxuriant pot of leek.

Planting a pot of green leek on the balcony with a flowerpot can not only beautify the indoor environment but also be used to make delicious dishes. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Interested friends can act quickly.