
When will the peach tree be fertilized? The main points of fertilization technology for peach trees are attached!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peach trees are our common kind of fruit trees. For farmers who plant peach trees, understanding these knowledge can effectively increase the yield of peaches and increase the economic benefits of planting peach trees. So when will the peach tree be fertilized? Fertilizing techniques of attached peach trees

Peach trees are our common kind of fruit trees. For farmers who plant peach trees, understanding these knowledge can effectively increase the yield of peaches and increase the economic benefits of planting peach trees. So when will the peach tree be fertilized? The main points of fertilization technology for peach trees are attached!

When will the peach tree be fertilized?

1. The basic fertilizer of peach trees

Autumn is better for peach trees. It can be applied in autumn before and after the fallen leaves of peach trees, and can be applied under the trees with a depth of 40 cm or radiation ditches.

two。 Topdressing of peach trees

Peach trees are generally topdressing 2-3 times a year, mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. If it is a high-yield garden, it can be applied one or two more times.

The main results are as follows: (1) topdressing of peach trees before sprouting: 1-2 weeks before sprouting after soil thawing in spring to promote root and shoot growth, ensure good flowering and fertilization, and increase fruit setting rate.

(2) topdressing of peach trees after flowering: the main purpose of this topdressing is to promote the growth of new shoots and fruits and reduce fruit drop. Available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied again 1-2 weeks after flowering.

(3) topdressing in the hard core stage of peaches: the time of topdressing is usually in the first and middle of June. At this time, topdressing can not only promote embryo and nuclear development, flower bud differentiation and fruit expansion, but also lay the foundation for next year's fruit.

(4) topdressing in peach fruit expansion period: for middle and late ripening varieties, nitrogen fertilizer should be the main fertilizer, combined with potash fertilizer, in order to improve fruit yield and quality.

(5) topdressing after peach harvest: after fruit harvest, phosphorus and potassium should be applied once, combined with nitrogen fertilizer to supplement tree consumption fertilizer, strengthen tree nutrition accumulation and improve overwintering ability, so as to ensure the sustained high yield of orchards in the coming year.

2. Key points of fertilization techniques for peach trees

1. Application of base fertilizer

According to the differences of different peach varieties, it is best to apply fertilizer as soon as possible after fruit picking, or about one month before the defoliation of peach trees.

In the application of base fertilizer, it is best to give priority to organic fertilizer. When the amount of organic fertilizer is small, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be flexibly determined according to the age of the tree, the growth of the peach tree and the fertility of the soil. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied in the general base fertilizer accounts for about 40%-60% of the total annual fertilizer application, and the amount of fertilizer applied per adult peach tree is equivalent to 0.3-0.6 kg of pure nitrogen (equivalent to 1.7-3.4 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or 0.6-1.3 kg of urea or 0.9-1.9 kg of ammonium nitrate).

General phosphate fertilizer is mainly used as base fertilizer, if more organic fertilizer is applied at the same time, each plant is equivalent to 0.3-0.5 kg of pure phosphorus pentoxide (equivalent to 0.75-1.25 kg of calcium superphosphate with 15% phosphorus or 0.75-1.25 kg of ammonium phosphate with 40% phosphorus content). The amount of potash fertilizer applied in the general base fertilizer is equivalent to 0.25-0.5 kg of pure potassium oxide (equivalent to 0.5-0.5 kg of potassium sulfate containing 50% potassium oxide or 0.4-0.8 kg of potassium chloride containing 60% potassium oxide). Pay attention to fertilization do not rely too close to the tree, fertilization should be properly mixed with the soil, so as not to cause root burning. For peach trees with more soil water content, thicker soil texture, older tree age and weaker tree potential, the amount of fertilizer should be higher in the case of less organic fertilizer; otherwise, the amount of fertilizer should be reduced.

two。 Application of flower-promoting fertilizer

Flower-promoting fertilizer is mostly applied before flowering after early spring, and the fertilizer applied is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, accounting for about 10% of the annual fertilizer application, combined with irrigation after the beginning of spring, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer per mu is 2-5 kg (about 4.3-10.9 kg of urea or 11-28.6 kg of ammonium bicarbonate). If the application rate of base fertilizer is high or base fertilizer is applied in winter, flower-promoting fertilizer may not be applied or less.

3. Application of fruit fertilizer

Fruit setting fertilizer is mostly applied after flowering to before fruit hardening, mainly to increase the fruit setting rate, improve tree nutrition and promote the rapid growth of fruit in the early stage. Fertilization is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, combined with a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The amount used accounts for about 10% of the annual application, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer per mu is 23.5 kg in terms of pure nitrogen (about 4.3-10.9 kg of urea or 11-28.6 kg of ammonium bicarbonate).

4. Application of Fruit expansion Fertilizer

When the fruit expansion fertilizer was applied after the fruit entered the rapid growth period again, the fruit expansion period of the middle and late maturing varieties basically coincided with the flower bud differentiation period, and topdressing promoted the rapid growth of fruit and flower bud differentiation. It is of great significance to lay a good foundation for production in the coming year. The fruit expansion fertilizer is mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and a certain amount of phosphate fertilizer can be applied properly according to the phosphorus supply of the soil. The amount of fertilization accounts for about 20%-30% of the annual application rate, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer per mu is 410kg in terms of pure nitrogen (about 8.6kg-20.8kg of urea or 22kg-57.5 kg of ammonium bicarbonate). The amount of potash fertilizer per mu is calculated as 615kg potassium oxide (about 1230kg potassium sulfate containing 50% potassium oxide or 10kg potassium chloride containing 60% potassium oxide). According to the need, 1030kg of calcium superphosphate containing 14% ~ 16% phosphorus pentoxide can be applied.

Peach trees need less trace element fertilizer, which is mainly provided by organic fertilizer and soil, if more organic fertilizer is applied, it can be applied less or less; if less organic fertilizer is applied, trace element fertilizer can be applied properly. The actual amount of micro-fertilizer applied as base fertilizer is as follows: borax 0.250.5 kg / mu, zinc sulfate 2kg / mu, manganese sulfate 1kg / mu, ferrous sulfate 5kg / mu (should be applied together with high quality organic fertilizer, the ratio of organic fertilizer to iron fertilizer is 5 ∶ 1). Micro fertilizer can also be sprayed on the leaf. The concentration of spraying should be controlled at 0.1%-0.5% according to the aging degree of the leaves, which should be dilute when the leaves are young and thicker when the leaves are older.

The above is the relevant knowledge of when to fertilize peach trees introduced by, as well as the introduction of technical points of peach tree fertilization. Farmers who plant peach trees can use this article for reference.