
When will the medal chrysanthemum be sown? How to easily raise exploding pots?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Medallion chrysanthemum is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world. it is a common potted flower and flower bed flower in garden. it has strange flower shape and rich color, and its flower heart has dark eye spots, so it is called medal chrysanthemum. When will the medal chrysanthemum be sown?

Medallion chrysanthemum is native to southern Africa and is widely cultivated all over the world. it is a common potted flower and flower bed flower in garden. it has strange flower shape and rich color, and its flower heart has dark eye spots, so it is called medal chrysanthemum. When will the medal chrysanthemum be sown? How to easily raise exploding pots?

I. growth habits of medallion chrysanthemum

1. Light and temperature

Medallion chrysanthemum likes the environment with sufficient light, not shade, slightly sun-resistant, summer high temperature should be properly shaded, other seasons can be placed in bright light outdoor maintenance; like warmth, slightly resistant to high temperature, not cold-resistant, the optimum growth temperature is 15-25 degrees, more than 5 degrees can survive the winter safely, and the growth of more than 35 degrees is limited.

2. Moisture and humidity

Medallion Ju likes to be slightly moist, afraid of waterlogging, and slightly resistant to drought. The whole spring, summer and autumn is the growing season, to keep the basin soil slightly moist to moist, pay attention to the temperature to adjust, the temperature is low, less evaporation, less watering frequency, dry and thoroughly every time. Water should be controlled in winter. Pay attention to water control and drainage on cloudy and rainy days. Don't accumulate water in any season.

3. Soil fertilizer

Medallion chrysanthemum prefers sandy loam that is fertile, loose and well drained. Do not like fertilizer, resistant to barren, can apply enough organic fertilizer at the bottom of the pot before transplanting, basically do not need to apply fertilizer in a growing season, if the growth is weak, you can topdressing in the growing season, every 15-30 days after the application of ternary compound fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer can not be applied too much, after budding partial application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or leaves spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate, conducive to large and beautiful flowering, hot summer and winter do not apply fertilizer.

When will the medallion chrysanthemum be sown?

Generally speaking, medallion chrysanthemum sowing can be spring sowing and autumn sowing, that is, around March and September, spring sowing can be appropriately postponed in the north, autumn sowing can be appropriately advanced, and in the south, spring sowing can be earlier and autumn sowing can be delayed. The best temperature for sowing medallion chrysanthemum is about 18 ℃-20 ℃, and the soil is about 0.5cm after sowing. Generally speaking, it can germinate in 3-7 days.

Third, how to easily grow medallion chrysanthemum?

1. Plenty of light

Adequate light is basically the standard requirement for all herbaceous flowers, so if you want to grow grass flowers, you should first see if you have enough light in your home.

2. Better dry than wet

Medallion chrysanthemum has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is not resistant to water and dampness, which is why the blue demon said to change the basin as many times as possible before putting on the basin.

3. Topdressing once in half a month

Spring medal chrysanthemum's fertility is very strong, growing very fast, and blooming constantly, which requires adequate fertilizer and water, in addition to adding base fertilizer on the pot, we should also pay attention to topdressing.

4. Don't stay below 0 ℃ for a long time in winter

Medal chrysanthemum is cold-resistant and not afraid of frost. There is generally no problem for Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas to overwinter in the open air in winter. Although all kinds of data show that it can only withstand 0 ℃ for a period of time, blue demon planting found that, in fact, the medallion chrysanthemum is also resistant to-5 ℃ for a short time, of course, as long as your basin soil does not contain too much water.