
"Women's tea" Pu 'er tea belongs to what tea series? Not black tea!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Friends who like tea will definitely have some research on tea! Especially when drinking tea with friends in groups of three or five, it is very fulfilling to talk about the origin and attributes of tea. But there are many people who have never understood what tea series Pu 'er tea belongs to?

Friends who like to drink tea will certainly do some research on tea! Especially when drinking tea with small groups of friends, it is very fulfilling to talk about the sources and attributes of tea. But there are many people still do not understand what kind of tea Pu'er tea belongs to? Whether it belongs to the question of black tea. Today, let's explore together!

A brief introduction to Pu'er Tea

1. Pu'er tea belongs to a unique variety of tea series, which is mainly produced in Yunnan Plateau.

two。 Pu'er tea has the effect of keeping healthy and losing weight, so it is also called women's tea.

3. Many people like to collect Pu'er tea as an antique, which has the advantage of value-added. It will be very honorable if family and friends get together to drink Pu'er tea, which has been treasured for a long time.

What kind of tea series does Pu'er tea belong to?

1. The history of Pu'er tea belongs to tea family.

In history, Pu'er tea is classified as black tea, because it is produced in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, so it is named Pu'er tea. Now it mostly refers to the tea produced. The main raw materials are Yunnan big-leaf sun-dried tea, loose tea or pressed tea processed by fermentation. Now Pu'er tea on the market can be divided into two types of raw tea and cooked tea, raw tea belongs to natural fermentation, ripe tea belongs to artificial ripening.

two。 Pu'er tea now belongs to the tea family.

Because in ancient times, Pu'er tea was classified as black tea, many tea experts have a lot of objections and feel that it is not in line with it. Until 2006, the local standard of Yunnan Province classified Pu'er tea as special tea and did not belong to any tea series. Its geographical indication also came down in July this year, so it has a more specific view. Now you can look up the national import and export catalogue and put Pu'er tea in the special tea category.

The above is the tea series that Pu'er tea now belongs to. I hope this is the evidence when I explain it to my friends in the future.

Does Pu'er tea belong to black tea?

According to the above two points of analysis, we know that Pu'er tea does not belong to black tea, do not think that running out of tea and black tea is close to black tea, this is a wrong statement, we should be based on the state-approved tea series. Pu'er tea in China has been popular since the Tang Dynasty, and now it has thousands of years of history and culture. Friends must recognize these four necessary conditions when buying Pu'er tea:

1. Producing area, only Yunnan cuisine produces Pu'er tea, so it must be within the territory of Yunnan.

two。 Tree species, only big-leaf trees can be made into Pu'er tea.

3. Technology, must be fermented tea can be called Pu'er tea.

4. The content of tea extract from Pu'er tea must exceed 38%.

4. What are the differences between raw and cooked Pu'er tea?

1. The production process is different.

The main results are as follows: (1) Pu'er tea is raw tea, which belongs to fermented tea in natural state.

(2) Pu'er tea belongs to the tea made by artificial ripening.

two。 Different manufacturing processes

The main results are as follows: (1) Pu'er tea does not need to be stuffed, it all depends on natural transformation, and then all kinds of loose tea and pressed tea are directly made after screening and classification, which generally take 5-8 years to make.

(2) Pu'er tea can only be cooked by manual composting and can only be sold after a long period of time when its taste and quality becomes stable. It can generally be stored for 3-5 years.

3. Different colors in appearance

The main results are as follows: (1) the raw tea color of Pu'er tea is mainly turquoise and dark green, some of them turn yellow-red, and white is the bud head.

(2) the color of Pu'er tea is mainly black or reddish brown, and some bud teas are dark golden yellow and smell musty.

4. The tea brewed is of different color.

The main results are as follows: (1) the color of Pu'er tea is bluish yellow or golden yellow.

(2) the color of cooked Pu'er tea is chestnut red or dark red, slightly transparent. So some people will mistakenly think that the main reason for black tea.

The above are the four differences between raw and cooked Pu'er tea. I hope they can help you.

Summary: the above content is the answer to the knowledge about the effect of Pu'er tea, hoping to help the friends who have the above questions. This paper is integrated with the network.