
Why does triangular plum only grow leaves but not blossom? Detailed explanation of the reasons and treatment methods

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many people like triangular plum, because of good maintenance, beautiful plant shape, bright colors, long flowering period, no matter do potted plants or do courtyard climbing maintenance, are very eye-catching. A novice flower grower asked why his triangular plum only grows leaves but does not blossom. Yes

Many people like triangular plum, because of good maintenance, beautiful plant shape, bright colors, long flowering period, no matter do potted plants or do courtyard climbing maintenance, are very eye-catching. A novice flower grower asked why his triangular plum only grows leaves but does not blossom. What causes it? What are the ways to deal with it? Let's explore.

First, the reason why triangular plum only grows leaves but does not blossom

1. Overwatering

When many flower lovers find that the triangular plum at home cannot grow leaves, they will mistakenly think that it is caused by a lack of water. So as to give it a lot of watering, in fact, this not only does not work, but also may cause rotting roots because of too much watering.

2. Insufficient light

Triangular plum is very fond of light, if the light is not enough, its photosynthesis will not work, so the leaves will not grow out, and even some leaves will have problems.

3. Lack of nutrition

The nutrition referred to here is fertilizer, but it is rarely for this reason that leaves cannot grow. Because as long as we fertilize it regularly, its nutrients can keep up, but we can't rule out the possibility that leaves can't grow because of insufficient fertilizer.

Second, the treatment method of triangular plum with only leaves but not flowering

1. the sunshine should be long and the light should be strong

Triangular plum needs sufficient light to grow and blossom normally, and it needs to be placed in a place with sufficient light even in hot summer. The optimum temperature for the growth of triangular plum is 20: 30 ℃. If the light is weak and the sunshine is short, the growth of triangular plum is poor, the branches are slender, the leaves are light green, and only long leaves do not blossom or rarely bloom.

2. Scientific watering measures

There are many leaves and large leaves of Prunus mume, coupled with high temperature in summer and large water evaporation, scientific watering measures should be taken to increase the amount of water in the early summer growing season to promote the growth of branches and leaves. In the middle of August, water should be controlled for 3 or 4 times to promote vegetative growth to reproductive growth and accelerate flower bud differentiation. When flower buds appear in the axils of branches and leaves, the amount of water should be increased.

3. Fertilization should be appropriate.

Because the triangular plum blossoms more, the florescence is long, the nutrient consumption is more, and the potted soil is not much, the nutrients are limited, so it is necessary to replenish the nutrients in time. Therefore, during the growth of triangular plum, we should pay attention to the supply of fertilizer and water.

In early summer, one more quick-acting fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer is applied to promote the growth of branches and leaves; in the peak growth period, organic liquid fertilizer based on phosphorus is applied every 7 to 10 days, preferably mature cake fertilizer to accelerate flower bud differentiation; additional phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied before and after flowering, such as spraying foliar with 0.3% 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote the continuous flowering of extended shoots.

4. Lighting and ventilation

The leaf flower is a kind of positive plant. In order to make the branches and leaves grow normally and increase the number of blossoms, the leaf flower must be placed in a well-lit and well-ventilated position and let it shine for 8 to 12 hours a day.

Third, how to promote the blossom of triangular plum?

Prepare a larger cardboard box, put the potted triangular plum into it at about 4: 00 p. M. every day, shade it, take it out to see the light at about 8 o'clock the next morning, and put it on the balcony where there is enough light to ensure that the triangular plum can have more than 8 hours of light every day.

Triangular plums like fertilizer and light, and do a good job of water control and shading before flowering, which can make the plum blossom more and more beautiful. if you find it troublesome to move with a cardboard box, you can also use a black plastic bag for shading treatment.