
"Small potted" fleshy seed planting method, remember not to need regular watering!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Meatiness has always been a big hit now, because it is cute and cute, many young friends will buy it and raise it at home. There are now more than 10,000 kinds of meat that can be counted by name in the world, and each kind has friends who like them to cultivate. so

Succulent plant has always been a big hit now, because it is cute and cute, many young friends will buy it and raise it at home. Now there are more than 10,000 kinds of succulent plants in the world, each of which has friends who like them to cultivate. So what are the planting methods of succulent seeds?

Planting methods of succulent seeds

1. Soil

Succulent seeds are sown in spring and autumn, and the soil can be mixed with peat soil, small sand, small stone and soil, which can ensure the looseness of the soil. After matching the soil, disinfect and water the soil to ensure the soil wettability, and then sow the seeds on the soil with toothpicks.

Note: because succulent seeds are very small, you can sow them deep into the soil with the help of toothpicks. It is not recommended to sow seeds in hot weather when the summer temperature is high.

2. Replenish water

After the succulent seeds have entered the flowerpot, the work of soaking and replenishing water can be carried out. There is a trick to watering, see the soil slowly absorb water, if there is excess water overflowing, you can stop watering, wait half an hour to add a little water to soak the basin, so as to ensure the humidity of the whole soil environment.

3. Cover the membrane

3.1 after the above work is completed, you need to cover the film, and the film should be determined according to the temperature in your home. If it is already higher than 20 degrees, there is no need to cover the film. If it is a low-temperature area, be sure to cover the cling film, and remember to open it for a while at noon every day to give it ventilation. It is enough to keep watering activities two or three times a week in hot areas.

3.2 after about a week or two, the change of succulent seeds can be observed, and the cling film can be removed. Then put the succulent seeds in a ventilated environment with suitable light, let them enjoy photosynthesis, and then cooperate with the right amount of watering, which is conducive to growth. Remember not to water frequently.

Matters needing attention for succulent seeds

1. If the succulent seeds are covered with cling film and can not be opened at noon every day, you can use toothpicks to poke several small holes in the cling film, which can not only ensure ventilation but also prevent the succulent seeds from being too closed.

2. Small pebbles in the soil are used to maintain the air permeability of succulent seeds, and it is easy to tell whether there is a lack of water when the pebbles change color. It is much easier to identify succulent watering by the color of the pebbles.

The question of succulent seeds is summarized and sorted out here today. I hope you can refer to practice more. Succulent seeds grow slowly with the passage of time, and this process is very precious.