
How to grow garlic, a common ingredient? These methods and times must be kept in mind!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Spring onion, ginger and garlic is a common ingredient in our daily life, and it is also a widely cultivated ingredient. Although they are easy to grow, it is also skillful to achieve high yield and high quality. Let's learn how garlic is grown. What are the time and methods? I.

Spring onion, ginger and garlic is a common ingredient in our daily life, and it is also a widely cultivated ingredient. Although they are easy to grow, it is also skillful to achieve high yield and high quality. Let's learn how garlic is grown. What are the time and methods?

I. the basic situation of garlic

1. Garlic is actually the general name of garlic plants, also known as garlic, garlic. Although garlic is widely planted in China, it was introduced from the Western regions during the Qin and Han dynasties, and it can be said to be an "alien species". Garlic originated from the plateau region of western Asia, and now it is mainly produced in Hunan, Shandong, Jiangsu and other provinces in China.

two。 Garlic is a shallow-rooted crop with five main roots, the longest root can grow to more than 50 centimeters, gray-white or lavender membranous scales are generally covered with six to ten bulbs; garlic leaves are flattened and bloom every summer.

3. In addition to the edible value of garlic, its medicinal value is also very good. Garlic can clean up and sterilize, prevent tumor and cancer, lower blood sugar, prevent diabetes and so on; in addition, garlic in the mouth can relieve cold cough, baking garlic on hemorrhoids and so on.

II. Planting time and methods of garlic

The mastery of planting time and method is related to the quality and yield of garlic, so let's introduce the planting time and method of garlic in detail below.

1. Garlic must carry out soil preparation before termination, generally maintain the depth of ploughing at about 20 centimeters, fine ploughing, raking, raking, and the length of the border should be determined according to the actual situation.

two。 The seeds used for sowing are generally pure white, scar-free, saccharified, smooth-skinned, and red-gluten seeds with a weight of about five grams each. After sowing, such seeds have a much better chance of getting a high yield.

3. The sowing time of garlic is usually from the end of September to the beginning of October, and the temperature is about 17 degrees. However, there are obvious differences in temperature and weather in the vast area of our country, so there are differences in sowing time in different regions, for example:

(1) sowing time of garlic in Shandong: the best sowing time of garlic in the southeast of Lushan is October 1-15, while the central and northern regions suggest sowing garlic on October 1-10, because sowing too early or too late is not conducive to the safety of garlic seedlings to survive the winter.

(2) the sowing time of garlic in Hebei: it is usually around the Mid-Autumn Festival, that is, after the corn is harvested, you can start planting garlic.

(3) the sowing time of garlic in Jiangsu: the planting time of garlic in Jiangsu is in September every year, and it is generally harvested in late May of the second year.

4. Garlic planting density must be well controlled, generally planting about two plants per mu, garlic should be thoroughly watered after planting, the second time should be watered around April of the second year, and the third time when the garlic bolts are first seen; the last watering is after the garlic stalks are harvested.

5. There are basically two kinds of fertilization for garlic: one is the base fertilizer applied before planting, which is generally mixed with farm manure mixed with urea, potassium sulfate and other deep ploughing and turning the soil; the second is to top fertilizer. Urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution are usually applied in April of the second year after planting.

6. In the growth process of garlic, traditional Chinese medicine should pay attention to the prevention and control of leaf blight, purple spot, soft rot, garlic maggots and other diseases and insect pests, apply different agents according to different symptoms, and remove the diseased garlic in time so as not to infect other healthy garlic.

If you plant garlic in a pot, you can choose to plant it in autumn. when you plant it, don't bury it all in the soil, leave a sprouting end, usually put it in a sunny place, and spray water properly to keep the soil moist.