
What if the magnolia doesn't grow leaves? What are the matters needing attention in breeding?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchid, also known as Orchid, Lycoris radiata, Lycoris radiata, is a perennial evergreen perennial herbaceous flower. Native to South Africa and propagated by ramet or seed. Because its leaves and flowers are highly ornamental, potted plants are a good choice at home or in the courtyard.

Orchid, also known as Orchid, Lycoris radiata, Lycoris radiata, is a perennial evergreen perennial herbaceous flower. Native to South Africa and propagated by ramet or seed. Because of its high ornamental leaves and flowers, pot planting in the home or in the courtyard is a good choice. In the maintenance process of the gentleman orchid, what should we do if the leaves do not grow? What are the matters needing attention in breeding?

First, what if the magnolia does not grow leaves? It is likely that these reasons have caused

1. Lack of light

Magnolia can grow in a semi-shady environment, but if it is raised in a corner where there is a serious lack of light, it is easy to cause lack of light and lead to growth stagnation. So when we breed magnolia, it is best to let it fully enjoy the bath of scattered light, and do not let it be exposed to strong sunlight. If our magnolia has the problem of overgrowing, not growing for a long time or the leaves turn yellowing, we should be vigilant and change our position to let enough light bathe the potted plant.

2. Lack of nutrients

The lack of nutrients is a common reason why Cymbidium does not grow new leaves. After potted culture for a period of time, especially if there is no fertilization or change of potted soil for more than a year, the growth will stagnate.

This is because the nutrients of the soil have obviously not satisfied the growth of our plants, and it is very good that the barren soil can keep the orchid alive, so we should pay attention to the problem of yellowing and thinness of the leaves when we observe that the growth stagnation of the orchid is accompanied by the problem of yellowing and thinness of the leaves. It's time to apply fertilizer! Fertilization can use compound fertilizer or some organic fertilizer liquid, flowering period can be properly supplemented with some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, can promote flowers and strong stems.

3. Improper watering

Lack of water or overwatering will hinder the growth of Cymbidium, and when there is stagnant water, it is easy to lead to rotten roots, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of Cymbidium. We must see dry and wet when we water the magnolia. Stagnant water is absolutely not allowed. When there is a lack of water, the leaves will soften and turn yellow, and eventually dry up. We can't let it run out of water for too long!

4. Other aspects

The environment in which the orchid grows requires good ventilation and avoid long-term farming in a confined space, otherwise it will lead to poor growth. in addition, we should also pay attention to observe whether there are some diseases and insect pests such as rotten roots and leaves. The situation must be dealt with in a timely manner to prevent the problem from worsening.

II. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium

1. The cultivation of Cymbidium in spring should pay attention to the wind.

In early spring, after hibernation, the roots of Cymbidium began to recover. Due to the lack of nutrient supply,-after the wind and the sun, the leaves will be dehydrated, resulting in a decrease in brightness, hardness, thickness, and even yellow leaves, rotten leaves and so on.

Therefore, more attention should be paid at this time: Cymbidium is drought-resistant and not resistant to moisture, and the pot plant can be kept generally moist, and it is easy to cause rotten roots if it is watered too much. Avoid spraying water before the arrow blossoms. Apply fully mature liquid fertilizer once a week or half a month, but according to the principle of "thin fertilizer", do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer to avoid leaf scorching and rotting roots.

2. Proper shading should be paid attention to in summer culture of Cymbidium.

The gentleman orchid is not strict with the light, likes half the shade and is afraid of direct light. Due to the high air temperature and soil temperature in dry summer, it is easy to cause root disorder, resulting in the imbalance of nutrition absorption and the occurrence of neck pulling, leaf channeling and other phenomena. In addition, due to strong sunlight, greatly increase transpiration, if not properly watered, the leaf color will appear old scorched yellow, or even wilting.

3. Attention should be paid to the prevention of rotting roots in autumn culture of Cymbidium.

In autumn, the climate gradually turns cool. in the days of continuous autumn rain, adult orchids have more opportunities to cut seeds and blossom on the arrow. at this time, if they are drenched or watered too much, it will lead to rotten roots, rotten arrows, rotten hearts and so on.

Therefore, in the arrow flowering, avoid spraying water, can be every half a month or so, irrigate a mature cake fat water (1:3). When watering, it is necessary to prevent the water from soaking into the center of the foliage, and Rain Water should not be allowed to drench into the foliage to avoid rotten stamens. In serious cases, it may even cause the whole plant to rot to death.

4. Low temperature and dryness should be paid attention to in winter culture.

In winter, when the orchid is at a low temperature below 5 ℃, the basin soil must be kept at a humidity of about 70%, so that it will not be frostbitten by dryness. If the moisture is less than 20%, it is easy to freeze to death.

Before Frosts Descent, the room plant should be placed in a sunny place indoors, pay attention to anti-freezing and keep warm, the pot plant can be rotated 180 degrees in half a month or so to facilitate the neat and beautiful growth of leaves.

It is safe to survive the winter when the indoor temperature is kept at 6-7 ℃ in winter. Fermented cake fertilizer can be applied once a month, liquid fertilizer should be irrigated once every 10 days, and nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied more. Three months before flowering, the application of liquid fertilizer is mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can promote its arrows to blossom.