
If you want to have asparagus with high yield and high yield, you should master these planting methods and time!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Every year around April in North China, there is a fresh and tender, unique flavor, green and organic vegetable fresh on the market, that is asparagus. Now there are planting in many areas, do you know the planting method and time of asparagus? First, the basic situation of asparagus 1. Asparagus.

Every year around April in North China, there is a fresh and tender, unique flavor, green and organic vegetable fresh on the market, that is asparagus. Now there are planting in many areas, do you know the planting method and time of asparagus?

I. the basic situation of asparagus

1. Alias and origin of asparagus

Asparagus, also known as asparagus, asparagus and so on, are the seedlings of asparagus, a perennial herb that can be eaten as vegetables. At present, it is planted and produced in China, Peru, Germany, France, Spain, the United States, Japan and other countries, of which China is the largest producer of asparagus.

two。 The shape of asparagus

Asparagus is an erect herb up to one meter high, with roots of two or three millimeters in thickness, smooth stems and weak branches. The leafy branches of asparagus are slightly blunt and cluster in clusters. Every May and June, small yellow-green flowers appear, and the perianth of the female flower is smaller than that of the male flower. Every September and October, it produces red seeds.

3. The value of asparagus

Asparagus is rich in vitamins, trace elements and a variety of essential amino acids, and the selenium element of asparagus cold is higher than that of ordinary vegetables, which has a good effect of preventing cancer and fighting cancer, clearing heat and reducing fire, diuresis, lowering blood pressure and so on.

2. Planting time of asparagus

The planting and breeding of asparagus can be carried out through seed, ramet and direct seeding, and the planting time may be different in different breeding methods and different regions.

1. If you plant asparagus seeds, you can sow them from the first half of April to the first half of August every year.

two。 Planting asparagus in the Yangtze River Basin and North China can be sown in February and March and planted around May.

3. Asparagus sowing in cold areas of the north is carried out in early spring as far as possible, but in the south it is possible to sow asparagus in autumn as well as in spring.

The asparagus planting time introduced above can only be used as a reference time, and the specific planting should be defined according to the weather and climate of the year.

Third, the planting method of asparagus

In general, the ramet propagation of asparagus is often used in the breeding of improved varieties, and the emergence rate of the second direct seeding cultivation is relatively low, so here we will only introduce the planting of seeds.

1. Sow the asparagus seeds according to the above planting time, but soak the asparagus seeds with thick skin in warm water for three or five days before sowing. Change the water at least once or twice a day. When the seeds absorb enough water, they can be taken out and germinated. After five to a week, the seeds can be sown.

two。 The land before sowing should be ploughed into the soil with 30000 kg of rotten barnyard manure per hectare. Where the soil acidity is high, 1130 kg of hydrated lime should be applied to correct soil acidity. Turning the soil requires shallow ploughing to prevent the roots from being too deep in the soil, which is not conducive to seedling emergence. In order to prevent underground pests from harming asparagus, 15 kg of phoxim per hectare should be sprinkled during soil preparation, mixed with the soil to form a 1.5-meter-wide high border, and drainage ditches should be dug for drainage and irrigation.

3. After sowing, the seedbed should be watered, and the soil should be watered during drought. Asparagus seedlings can be transplanted when the seedlings are finished. It is more appropriate to plant in autumn in the south, and the survival rate will be much higher during the harvest time. In addition, when transplanting, we should pay attention to the density. The planted plants are covered with five or six centimeters of soil and compacted with water.

4. If the way of furrow irrigation is used to irrigate asparagus seedlings. The first fertilizer was applied about 20 days after planting. 40-60 days after planting, fertilizing every 25-30 days, applying compound fertilizer 2550 kg per mu or urea 10-20 kg plus potassium chloride 6-12.5 kg. Fertilizer should be applied every 25 days from 4 months after planting to before bamboo shoot picking.

5. Asparagus is a drought-tolerant plant, but timely watering is a necessary condition for high yield of asparagus. Therefore, after planting, we should water the seedlings in time, wait for the water to seep down and then cover the soil, and then water them at the right time according to the weather conditions. The temperature is high and the water consumption is high in summer and autumn, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil has enough water to ensure the normal growth of plants. In addition, overwintering water is poured before freezing in winter to facilitate asparagus to survive the winter safely.

6. During the growing period of asparagus, it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed in time according to the situation. After each weeding, properly cultivate the soil one or two centimeters, and gradually increase the height of the covered soil to about ten centimeters.

7. During the growth of asparagus, we should pay attention to the invasion of brown spot, root rot, blight and grub, mole cricket, seed fly, golden needle worm and other diseases and insect pests.

The above is the time and method of asparagus planting arranged by the editor of, and the vast number of growers can take a look at it as a reference.