
What are the planting methods of bowl lotus?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more families plant potted plants. Flower friends get together and have endless topics. Share all kinds of potted planting experience. Many flower friends have raised a bowl of lotus. What are the planting methods of bowl lotus? Prepare the planting container

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more potted plants are planted in families. Flower friends get together and have endless topics to talk about. Share all kinds of potted planting experience. Many flower friends have raised lotus flowers. What are the planting methods of lotus?

1. Prepare planting containers

Planting lotus can not choose too small container, too small will affect the growth of lotus, diameter 30 cm, depth of 20 cm container can be. A container suggested planting one or two lotus can be. Too many seeds will also affect the growth of lotus.

2. Selection and treatment of seeds

There are many varieties of lotus, different varieties of flowering or different. Some bloom early, some bloom late. The seeds of that year's lotus usually bloom in the same year they are planted. If it is planted in previous years, it may only grow leaves and not bloom. So be sure to pay attention to this when buying lotus seeds.

After selecting good quality, it is very important to treat seeds. The shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense, so it is necessary to crack the shell of the seed. When handling, be careful not to hurt the embryo. Make a small opening at one end of the seed pit.

3. Soaking seeds and accelerating germination

Soak the seeds in warm water. The water should be clean and the temperature should be controlled. Water of 20 to 30 degrees is best. The budding stage requires changing water two or three times a day. In normal growth environment, the lotus sprouts in three days, and the buds of about 1 cm will grow out in five days. You can't peel off all the shells right after germination. At most half of them can be removed. This makes it easier for sprouts to grow.

4. Bud transplantation

1. Cultivation

After the lotus sprouts, 25 degrees is the best to grow in water. Water depth of 10 cm, adequate care, lotus and other hydroponic plants are different. The bowl lotus didn't need to be changed so frequently.

2. Seedlings enter the mud

Unlike potted plants, lotus seeds need to have no holes at the bottom when choosing containers. Soak the soil two weeks in advance. It is best to choose pond mud. Put the lotus seeds into the pond mud and put them in a place where there is light. A place with good light is conducive to the growth of lotus. But not too much light. Don't pour too much water. The water temperature should not be too high. And you can't water them all at once. Pour slowly along the walls of the container.

Warm tip: bowl lotus is not suitable for fertilization too much, base fertilizer can be enough. However, it is also important not to choose soil that is too fertile. Many people choose yellow mud. It's just the right soil for a lily. Lotus is a plant that likes water, but if you drink too much water, its roots will rot. Only when the light is right can the lily grow quickly. Finally, regarding the planting season of the lotus, although it can be planted all the year round, it is best not to plant it in winter. Too cold weather photosynthesis is weak, not conducive to the growth of lotus. It is also easy to freeze the lotus.