
The three main changes in the revision of the seed Law

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The revision of the seed Law is mainly reflected in three aspects: the examination and approval of major crop varieties, the registration of non-major crops and the protection of new plant varieties. At present, the development of China's seed industry is still in its infancy, and the conditions for abolishing the examination and approval system are not yet mature, so this species

The revision of the seed Law is mainly reflected in three aspects: the examination and approval of major crop varieties, the registration of non-major crops and the protection of new plant varieties.

At present, the development of China's seed industry is still in the initial stage, and the conditions for abolishing the examination and approval system are not yet ripe, so the revision of the seed Law has adopted a gradual approach, and on the basis of retaining the current examination and approval system, the types of major crop varieties have been reduced, from 28 varieties in the past to 5, while standardizing the examination and approval of major crop varieties and opening a green channel. In the future, there may be a transition from examination and approval as the core to registration as the core, but it is necessary to ensure that the bottom line of safety will not be broken.

The draft proposes the establishment of a registration system for non-major crops. This is conducive to putting an end to counterfeit condom products from entering the market from the source. Reduce the asymmetry of information and lay the foundation for the establishment of a traceable management system. It can provide correct guidance for government departments, farmers and enterprises. Conducive to the maintenance of seed industry safety, food safety, biosafety.

The protection of new plant varieties is added to the draft. The concept of substantial derived variety is put forward, which is helpful to restrain low-level plagiarism, protect the legitimate rights and interests of breeders and encourage original innovation. The relevant regulations on which crops are necessary to implement substantially derived varieties are made by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Forestry, which reflects the combination of principle and flexibility.