
Six considerations on the Reform of Variety examination and approval system

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, 1. Establish a variety evaluation index system focusing on species safety to meet the market demand for variety diversification. In order to meet the needs of agricultural production and market, highlight the safety of varieties, scientifically and rationally classify and establish suitable yield, quality, stress resistance and growth period.

1. Establish a variety evaluation index system focusing on species safety to meet the market demand for variety diversification. In order to meet the needs of agricultural production and market, highlight the safety of varieties, scientific and reasonable classification to establish a variety approval index system to meet the different requirements of yield, quality, stress resistance, growth period, water and fertilizer saving, mechanized operation, light cultivation and so on.

two。 Expand the test channel and expand the test capacity. Expand the experimental capacity of crops with high demand. The national experiment focuses on key areas and crop types, reducing the experimental area groups with wide coverage, particularly complex ecological types, excessive differences in variety performance and experimental areas covering only one province. Seed enterprises with integrated breeding, propagation and promotion should actively carry out experiments on their own varieties. Make full use of social resources to carry out variety tests, and consortia of enterprises, science and enterprises and scientific research institutions that have the ability to test can carry out variety tests on their own; for special varieties such as sweet (waxy and popped) corn, glutinous rice and vegetable soybeans, to simplify the test procedures, the applicants can carry out variety tests on their own and be brought into the unified management of national or provincial variety tests.

3. Improve the test scheme and improve the test level. Publicly apply for examination and approval of the variety to enter the selection procedure of the test, determine the tested variety in accordance with the principle of fair competition, and publish the application situation and the name and unit of the tested variety. In the process of formulating the test plan, we should fully listen to the opinions of variety approval applicants and experts. Divide ecological areas reasonably, optimize the layout of test sites, and scientifically set up test groups and control varieties.

4. Optimize the working procedure and speed up the examination and approval. For varieties that have been approved by one province, applicants are allowed to conduct production tests on their own in adjacent provinces of the same ecological type, and directly apply for national or relevant provincial approval or introduction. The regional test and the production test are gradually separated in the spatial layout, and the varieties with outstanding comprehensive characters can be carried out simultaneously with the production test in the second year.

5. Strengthen the management of the test process to ensure the truth of the data. A variety test open day is set up to determine the variety test site during the critical period of crop growth, and the variety applicant can inspect the variety performance on the spot and supervise the test quality. Organize the representative of the variety applicant to participate in the regional test and production test harvest, and the harvest data shall be reported immediately after being signed and confirmed by the test personnel, the person in charge of the test site and the applicant representative.

6. Strengthen organizational leadership and strengthen accountability. The administrative organ for test examination and approval shall establish a system of regular exchange of managers for variety test examination and approval, with the maximum length of the same post not exceeding 10 years.