
How to grow coriander (coriander)?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coriander is a kind of vegetable with special aroma, originated in Europe and the Mediterranean, and now it is cultivated in many places in our country. Many people like to eat it because of its special aroma, and some people scoff at it because of its taste. So, how do you grow parsley? 1 、

Coriander is a kind of vegetable with special aroma, originated in Europe and the Mediterranean, and now it is cultivated in many places in our country. Many people like to eat it because of its special aroma, and some people scoff at it because of its taste. So, how do you grow parsley?

1. Seed treatment

The shell of coriander seeds is hard, and the conventional method of sowing and emergence is relatively slow. in order to promote germination, the seeds can be spread out on the flat ground before sowing, and rubbed open uniformly and forcefully with less hard utensils, so that the shell is broken to facilitate germination, and then sow directly, generally about 8-13 days after sowing.

2. Variety selection

There are large-leaf varieties and small-leaf varieties, large-leaf varieties have tall plants, large leaves and high yield; small-leaf varieties have short plants, small leaves, strong aroma, cold tolerance and strong adaptability, but the yield is slightly lower, and there are more leaflet varieties in the market. Leaflet varieties are more popular, and the price of leaflet varieties will be slightly higher.

3. Land preparation

Farm manure 1500kg, diammonium phosphate 10kg, potassium sulfate 10kg were applied per mu, and the soil was leveled by strip sowing or sowing, covering soil with 2-3cm and planting 3-4 jin per mu. After sowing, use leveling tools to suppress, and then water for the first time to keep the soil moist and promote seedling emergence. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the phenomenon that the top of the seedling is not unearthed due to the soil hardening before coriander is unearthed. Pay attention to check after sowing. Once there is a hardening phenomenon, we should seize the time to spray water to loosen the soil.

4. Planting time

It can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, and autumn is the best time to sow. The coriander sown after the middle of August has better quality, stronger aroma and more hardy.

5. Field management

Coriander planting should pay attention to a lot of details, in order to make coriander grow better, it is necessary to carry out meticulous ploughing, loosening soil and weeding many times, and to ensure a reasonable growth density when the coriander seedlings grow to about 3 cm. Generally speaking, there are 2-3 times of ploughing, loosening soil and weeding in the whole growing period, the first time is in the top soil of seedlings, in order to eliminate the stratification layer and pull out the weeds; the second time is carried out when the seedling height is 2-3 cm, it is also to loosen the soil and pull out weeds; the third time is when the seedling height is 5-7 cm, weeds should be pulled out regularly to avoid excessive weeds affecting the growth of parsley.

Parsley is not resistant to drought and likes to be moist. It is watered every 5 days in spring and autumn, and the watering frequency increases in summer to keep the soil moist.

6. Pest control

Leaf blight, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and root rot are common diseases of coriander. As long as the seeds are disinfected during sowing and pay attention to field management, the probability of getting these diseases can be greatly reduced, and carbendazim can also be sprayed to control them.

7. Harvest

Coriander can be harvested about 30-40 days after sowing at high temperature and 40-60 days after sowing at low temperature.

The above is the coriander planting method summarized by for you. Do you know all about it?