
What is the cause of the dry tip of yellow leaves of garlic seedlings? What shall I do?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic seedlings are common vegetables and condiments in daily life, which are often used for seasoning, and the economic benefit of planting is high, but the phenomenon of dry tip of yellow leaves appears in the process of planting, which seriously affects the quality of garlic seedlings and reduces economic benefits. so what is the dry tip of yellow leaves of garlic seedlings?

Garlic sprouts are common vegetables and condiments in life, often used as auxiliary vegetables for seasoning. The economic benefit of planting is high, but the phenomenon of yellow leaf dry tip appears in the planting process, which seriously affects the quality of garlic sprouts and reduces the economic benefit. What is the cause of yellow leaf dry tip of garlic sprouts? What should I do?

1. What is the reason for the yellow leaf dry tip of garlic sprouts

1. successive cropping

Successive cropping will make the accumulation of pests and germs in the soil, resulting in serious occurrence rate and serious disease, and the continuous consumption of nutrients in the soil, resulting in weak plant growth, decreased resistance to the environment, and the phenomenon of yellow leaves and dry tips.

2. improper sowing time

Garlic is a cold-loving crop, suitable for growth temperature in 12-16 degrees, with global warming, the previous suitable sowing time temperature is constantly changing, the seedlings before winter are too large, nutrient consumption is too large, easy yellow leaves dry tip, garlic seedlings cold resistance reduced, vulnerable to freezing damage, premature senescence in spring.

3. pest impact

Garlic maggot is a common pest in garlic seedling planting, but also a major pest, it is a destructive pest, when the harm is easy to appear yellow leaf dry tip phenomenon, in addition to improper cultivation management, resulting in plant infection disease, yellow leaves, premature aging phenomenon, affecting yield and quality.

4. lack of nutrition

The root system of garlic seedlings is shallow and the absorption capacity is weak, so the soil fertility requirements are high, especially nitrogen and potassium elements. If there is a lack of fertility in the planting process, it will lead to insufficient nutrition of the plant and cause yellow leaf dry tip.

Second, garlic sprouts yellow leaves dry tips how to do

1. rational crop rotation

When planting, do not rotate with onion, ginger and garlic crops, which can destroy the living environment of pests and germs, reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests and serious diseases, increase organic fertilizer when planting, maintain organic elements in the soil, and make it grow healthily.

2. Sowing when the temperature is right

In the previous sowing time will also be delayed for a period of time, the specific time according to the local climate, generally in the temperature of about 20 degrees when sowing, if it is greenhouse and plastic film, but also delayed for about a week.

3. control pests and diseases

Garlic maggots are mainly incompletely decomposed when farm manure is applied to plants, maggots reproduce and grow in them, and then harm plants. Therefore, the best control method is to completely decompose farm manure. In addition, the prevention and control of diseases should also be paid attention to, and diseases should be treated in time.

4. rational fertilization

When fertilizing, organic fertilizer or farm manure should be given priority to, supplemented by chemical fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer applied each time should not be too much, so as to avoid excessive nutrition and yellow leaf phenomenon. Attention should be paid to the reasonable combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Before sowing, apply enough base fertilizer. Generally, farm manure 4000-5000kg per mu should be applied. In combination with phosphorus fertilizer 50kg, potassium fertilizer 30kg and urea 20kg. In the later stage, reasonable topdressing according to plant growth conditions can be applied. Yellow leaf phenomenon can be found. Spraying foliar fertilizer can achieve excellent results.

The above is the introduction of soil drift net to garlic seedling yellow leaf dry tip reason and control method, garlic seedling planting economic benefit is high, but in the planting process should pay attention to reasonable crop rotation, sowing at appropriate temperature, pest control and reasonable fertilization, etc., in order to plant well, get good income.