
Promote agricultural development to the middle and high end

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and some new stage characteristics and trend changes have emerged in the agricultural field, speeding up agricultural modernization to enter a new period of strategic opportunity. It is necessary to meet the needs of economic and social development and the requirements of modern agricultural development.

At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and some new stage characteristics and trend changes have emerged in the agricultural field, speeding up agricultural modernization to enter a new period of strategic opportunity. To meet the needs of economic and social development and the requirements of modern agricultural development, it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the influence of the new normal of economic development, accurately grasp the trend of new changes in agricultural development, comply with the trend, take the initiative, and increase the intensity of reform and innovation. lead China's agriculture to the middle and high end with more comprehensive function, more advanced form, deeper division of labor, more reasonable structure and sustainable development.

We should have an in-depth understanding of the relationship between supply and demand of agricultural products, adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, and establish a production system of agricultural products with equal emphasis on low, middle and high-end products suited to the consumption system.

We will maintain steady and healthy economic and social development, build a moderately prosperous society in 2020, and reach the level of moderately developed countries by 2050. Both reality and goals require us to continue to increase farmers' income. Farmers' income has grown rapidly in recent years, but there are many uncertain factors to maintain rapid growth. The growth rate of wage income may slow down, the growth space of household operating income tends to narrow, and the growth trend of transfer income and property income is positive, but the contribution to the overall income level is limited. Due to the influence of total population growth and changes in urban and rural structure, industrial transformation and upgrading and changes in economic structure, the improvement of residents' income level and changes in expenditure structure, the structural shortage and surplus of agricultural products supply will coexist for a long time in the next few decades, and the rigid growth of basic demand and the enhancement of structural demand elasticity of agricultural product consumption will coexist for a long time. This poses a challenge as well as an opportunity to explore the potential of increasing income within agriculture.

To adapt to these changes, we should be guided by effectively meeting market demand, focus on continuously increasing farmers' income, pay more attention to the realization of the value of agricultural products, and reduce the waste of resources caused by incorrect production and marketing. while ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products such as grain, we should vigorously develop the production of agricultural products with high income and consumption elasticity and great market demand potential. We will adjust the industrial structure, promote the development of both grain and economy, the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the integration of the first, second and third industries, and speed up the development of graded processing of agricultural products, cold chain logistics and terminal distribution, so as to make the industrial form fuller, the connotation richer and the income richer. We will optimize the product structure, strengthen the development of high value-added products, expand the input of soft elements such as knowledge, information, and creativity, and promote the quality, greening, characterization, branding and consumption facilitation of agricultural products, so as to meet diversified, multi-type and multi-level consumption needs, and guide the consumption of agricultural products gradually from safety to quality, nutrition and health.

We should have an in-depth understanding of the allocation of agricultural resources, give full play to the leverage of financial investment and the basic role of social investment, and form an investment pattern suited to the development of modern agriculture.

Modern agriculture must be a high capital-intensive industry, and increasing capital investment is indispensable to improve labor productivity and land output rate. The agricultural foundation of our country is weak, and the investment demand is extensive and huge, which forms a strong contrast with the fact that social capital has no place to invest. At present, this investment "depression" is producing a "depression effect", and the accelerated entry of all kinds of capital outside the agricultural field is an important trend that should be paid close attention to. Judging from the current situation, expanding the scale of agricultural investment is not only conducive to agricultural modernization, but also conducive to the entire economic and social development. We should seize the opportunity to further speed up the reform and innovation of agricultural investment and financing system and mechanism.

First of all, it is necessary to overcome the one-sidedness of ideas, not only to see the fact that the rate of return on agricultural investment is relatively low, but also to see the stability of agricultural investment and other characteristics, no longer simply think that agriculture is a public industry, investment is only the responsibility of the government. In terms of ideas and measures, we should explore the ways to realize the separation of agricultural social and economic benefits, and on the basis of increasing financial investment, strive to improve input efficiency, strengthen the leverage of social capital, and improve the supporting mechanism for driving financial and insurance investment. Actively create an agricultural investment environment, broaden agricultural investment channels, innovate various financing methods such as bonds and funds, vigorously develop rural cooperative finance, and make use of Internet finance, explore differential policies to effectively gather public capital, make use of industrial and commercial capital and control international capital, and explore innovative modes of government-social capital cooperation and Internet crowdfunding in agriculture. Guide and encourage social capital to participate in the whole process of agricultural prenatal and postnatal production (including infrastructure construction).

Deeply understand the pattern of agricultural employment, vigorously develop agricultural producer services, and speed up the construction of modern agricultural industrial system.

The slowdown in the growth rate of the national economy, structural optimization and power transformation will continue to provide new employment opportunities, so that the high-quality agricultural labor force can continue to transfer, and at the same time, it will also lead to the normalization of friction unemployment. The phenomenon of agricultural labor going out for employment and returning to their hometown to start businesses and re-employment has coexisted for a long time, and the new dual pattern of amphibious farmers in urban and rural areas and the combination of industry and agriculture tends to be universal. On the one hand, under the situation of the deepening of rural reform, the acceleration of land transfer and the gradual emergence of the new generation of migrant workers, farmers' expectations of land appreciation have been continuously improved and strengthened, and the separation of land contract rights and management rights has become a more efficient institutional arrangement. many migrant workers who return home do not want to plant, can not plant, do not plant, it is difficult for traditional agriculture and animal husbandry to continue to assume the function of labor employment reservoir. On the other hand, through urban life and industrial and commercial experience, returning migrant workers have broadened their horizons, increased experience, accumulated contacts, and have a certain amount of capital, which are important human resources for the development of agricultural producer services.

Agricultural modernization requires the specialization and socialization of agricultural production and service. It is necessary to extensively open up new employment spaces outside the primary industry and build a complete agricultural industrial system with a consistent industrial chain, supply chain and value chain. From the point of view of giving full play to the advantages of rural human resources, especially returning migrant workers, efforts should be made to develop agricultural producer services with strong employability. Seize the favorable opportunity of the vigorous development of the Internet economy, develop agricultural information services and e-commerce for agricultural products, and promote the convergence of production and marketing and online transactions. Comply with the trend of rapid expansion of the logistics industry to rural areas, develop various forms of service sites, and improve the agricultural means of production and agricultural products distribution system. We should pay close attention to the urgent needs of modern agricultural construction and increase support for socialized services such as pest control, soil testing and formula fertilization, operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery, and packaging design of agricultural products. It is necessary to further strengthen the construction of infrastructure such as rural transportation, information and market, simultaneously solve the problems of "the last kilometer" of market information and the "first kilometer" of product logistics, and strengthen the public welfare training of service skills. to help migrant workers returning home to improve their quality and ability of employment and entrepreneurship. In line with local conditions, we will guide producer services to gather in agricultural industrial bases and promote the coordinated development of agricultural modernization and new urbanization.

We should have an in-depth understanding of the global trade of agricultural products and the development pattern of agricultural resources, better grasp the strategic initiative, and build a new win-win mechanism for trade development partners.

In recent years, profound changes have taken place in the internal requirements and external conditions of China's agriculture "going out" and "bringing in". First, using 10% of the world's arable land, 6% of fresh water to feed and 20% of the population, increasing the pressure on resources and environment. Second, the cost of agricultural production has risen, the price competitiveness of agricultural products has declined, and the comparative advantage of trade has been reduced. Third, the overall recovery of the world economy has been slow, the order of trade development has been rebuilt in the course of adjustment, and the internationalization of trade in agricultural products and the globalization of agricultural resources development have continued to deepen. Fourth, China's comprehensive national strength has been greatly enhanced, its international status has been greatly enhanced, and its right to speak in international relations and international order has increased significantly. Fifth, the "Belt and Road Initiative" and other ideas and measures have aroused enthusiastic response, and the strategic layout of pulling and leading the world economy has been carried out in an orderly manner. Sixth, more and more enterprises invest in the development of overseas agricultural resources, and the basic point of development is taking shape day by day.

In this context, it is necessary and possible to expand the room for manoeuvre of China's agricultural development, improve the import and export structure of agricultural products, and develop more global agricultural resources. It is necessary to enhance initiative and strategy, while striving to improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural products in the international market, strengthen the concept of opportunity cost for farming, rationally arrange the priority of domestic agricultural production, and comprehensively consider the needs of reducing the pressure of resources and environment and maintaining industrial security. we will step up efforts to plan and promote the global layout of agricultural diplomacy and economic cooperation. We should give better play to the effect of a big country, make full use of China's market potential, technological capability, capital strength and international influence, strive to expand the scale of agricultural "going out" and appropriately expand the import of agricultural products, build a coordinated, stable and efficient coupling relationship between domestic resources-international market and international resources-domestic market, and achieve win-win results for trade and development partners.

We should have a deep understanding of the multiple functions of agriculture and make efforts at the same time in the minimization of negative externalities and the value of positive externalities, so as to promote the industrialization of agricultural ecology.

Agriculture has multiple functions, and ecological function is an important aspect. Over the past few decades, excessive exploitation of resources, improper use of chemical inputs and unreasonable mode of production have magnified the carbon source effect of agriculture. Now, the carrying capacity of the environment has reached or close to the upper limit, and people's demand for ecological products such as fresh air, clear water quality and clean environment is becoming more and more urgent. In line with the concerns of the people, strengthen agricultural ecological functions, expand the supply of ecological products, give full play to agricultural ecological benefits, and form a new way of green, low-carbon and environment-friendly agricultural development, facing unprecedented historical opportunities.

Sustainable development should be guaranteed by sustainable mechanisms. It is necessary to continue to strengthen the social compensation mechanism for the positive externalities of agricultural ecology, focusing on strengthening government guidance and support, persisting in controlling non-point source pollution, increasing energy conservation and emission reduction, promoting the mode of circular production, promoting the rational use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural films, and strengthening the effective use of crop straw and livestock and poultry manure. Efforts should be made to build a responsibility system for environmental protection of the main body of large-scale production and operation, promote the personalization of social costs and the internalization of externalities, impose mandatory restrictions on the amount of pollution and trade in the emission market, and let polluters and emitters pay the bill. We should actively explore the ways to realize the economic value of positive externalities, vigorously develop tourism and leisure agriculture, make green water and green mountains into Jinshan and Yinshan, and promote the effective supply of agro-ecological products with economic mechanism.

The fundamental way to promote agricultural development to the middle and high end is to make the market play a decisive role in allocating resources, but in view of national conditions and agricultural conditions, we must give better play to the role of the government at the same time. We will strengthen support for agriculture, continue to increase financial investment, improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, improve the method of agricultural subsidies, establish and improve the compensation mechanism for ecological benefits, and promote innovation in the rural land system, property rights system, and management system. we will promote the development of land circulation and the financial and insurance market, and vigorously strengthen the training of new business entities and new professional farmers. We should strengthen the protection of agriculture, pay close attention to the risk factors in agricultural development, effectively prevent and control the industrial risks caused by the cost and price competition of agricultural products at home and abroad, and the market risks caused by the quality and safety of agricultural products. The risk of non-grain and non-agriculturalization in land circulation, as well as the risk of agricultural financing and the influx of foreign capital.