
How much is the strawberry seedling of the four seasons?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Strawberries of the four seasons are called Medley. The fruit is sweet and fragrant, so it is deeply loved by the public. So, how much is the strawberry seedling of the four seasons? What are the transplanting techniques? How to carry out planting management? Let's get to know it together. First, how much is the strawberry seedling of the four seasons

Strawberries of the four seasons are called Medley. The fruit is sweet and fragrant, so it is deeply loved by the public. So, how much is the strawberry seedling of the four seasons? What are the transplanting techniques? How to carry out planting management? Let's get to know it together.

First, how much is the strawberry seedling of the four seasons?

Four seasons strawberry seedling is about 1 yuan, four seasons strawberry is an ideal variety in strawberry production in the future, the fruit is long conical, the fruit tip is flat, large fruit, the average single fruit weight 28.6g0, the maximum single fruit weight is 87g, the sun face is bright red, the shade side is orange, shiny, the color is very beautiful, the pulp is juicy, the taste is sweet and fragrant.

2. Transplanting techniques of four Seasons Strawberry

1. Garden site selection

Strawberry orchards should have sufficient light, slightly higher terrain, flat ground, convenient irrigation and drainage, fertile and loose soil, and the previous crops should be legumes or onion and garlic vegetable fields. Before planting, the garden should remove weeds and spray disinfectants to eliminate underground pests and disinfect.

2. Prepare the land and make beds.

The strawberry orchard should be fertilized before sowing after one week of soil preparation. In general, high-quality rotten farm manure 5000kg, calcium superphosphate 100kg, potassium chloride 50kg should be applied per mu, combined with deep ploughing, soil preparation and border preparation.

3. Transplanting technology

If strawberries are to be put on the market from January to February, the time for strawberry seedlings in breeding nursery to transplant on the border of greenhouse should be in the first ten days of September, with 2 rows per row and 10,000 plants per mu, digging holes to fill in fine soil and gently pressing the soil layer.

Planting Management of four Seasons Strawberry

1. Ploughing and loosening the soil

Strawberry should be ploughed in time to loosen the soil, which is beneficial to the decomposition of organic matter, three times of shallow and middle tillage from November to December, one time of topdressing at the early flowering stage and the early stage of fruit setting, and urea 10kg, phosphate fertilizer 20kg, potassium chloride 10kg or ternary compound fertilizer 35kg per mu.

2. Replenish water to shade the sun

Strawberry transplant seedlings in early September in addition to timely replenishment of water should also be covered with shading net shading, shading net 1.2 meters from the ground, so that personnel operation, at the same time, timely removal of withered leaves, old leaves and axillary buds and stolons, conducive to strawberry seedling growth.

3. Flower bud management

The flower bud differentiation of strawberry needs lower temperature and short-time sunshine. We can cover the sunshade net with grass grass, which can artificially promote the conditions of short-time sunshine and lower culture temperature, and promote the differentiation of terminal inflorescence and axillary inflorescence. So as to promote flower bud differentiation and improve fruit rate.

4. Drainage and irrigation

Strawberries should be irrigated once at the initial stage of flowering and berry growth, respectively. The method of furrow irrigation should be used to make the water irrigate to the height of the ditch at 2pm, let the water gradually seep into the border soil, and the remaining water in the ditch should be discharged. If the weather is dry, it is best to irrigate once a week or so. When it is rainy in autumn, it should be drained in time to avoid root rotting caused by waterlogging.

5. Cover with plastic film

Strawberry is at the end of inflorescence differentiation from October to early November, when the sunshade net can be removed, the temperature in the shed should be kept above 25 ℃, and the lowest temperature should be above 20 ℃. Too low temperature will affect the normal growth of strawberry, necrosis, stop growth and so on.

6. Ventilation operation

The soil moisture for strawberry seedling growth is 70-80%, and the air humidity is about 60-70%. When the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds 30 ℃, it should be ventilated in time. Bees can be released in the flowering shed to promote pollination and fruit, and artificial pollination can also be carried out.

The above is the brief information of the four Seasons Strawberries compiled by the editor for you. I hope it can help you.