
What is the reason why the leaves of asparagus turn yellow? How to save it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus, also known as Yunpiansong, Yunzhu, and Tiandong, is a highly ornamental plant, because its unique shape is deeply loved by people, no matter it is placed in the study, living room or bedroom, it can add a trace of cultural flavor, and can also play a role in purifying the air.

Asparagus, also known as Yunpiansong, Yunzhu, and Tiandong, is a highly ornamental plant, because its unique shape is deeply loved by people, no matter it is placed in the study, living room or bedroom, it can add a trace of cultural flavor, and can also play a role in purifying the air. Although asparagus is easy to raise, it is easy to cause yellowing of leaves if it is not properly maintained. What is the cause? How to save it?

What is the reason for the yellowing of asparagus leaves?

1. The soil is too poor

Although asparagus does not like fertilizer, its leaves will turn yellow if it grows on barren soil all the year round. Another reason is that if the soil is not changed all the year round, only watering and no fertilization, the soil fertility will naturally become less and less.

2. Excessive fertilization

Although asparagus should be fertilized properly during its growth, it should not be too thick or it will burn roots and slowly the leaves will turn yellow and wither and fall.

3. The watering method is incorrect

Although asparagus likes the humid environment, too much water will lead to stagnant water in the basin soil, and the roots can not breathe, resulting in the whole plant leaves can not absorb nutrients and nutrients begin to slowly turn yellow, which can seriously cause the whole plant to die.

4. Keep it in a place with too much light for a long time

Asparagus likes half-overcast and half-yang environment, but if it is placed in places with too much light for a long time, especially in high temperature weather in summer, the leaves are easy to burn, resulting in yellowing and drying up.

5. Gas poisoning

If asparagus is put in the kitchen or next to the TV set with more smoke for a long time, it is easy to be contaminated by harmful gases, resulting in yellowing and shedding.

6. Improper maintenance in winter

Asparagus is not cold-resistant, so it is easy to yellowing leaves due to low temperature in winter, especially when the temperature is less than 8 ℃.

7. Insect pests

Scale insect is the most common pest in asparagus culture, but it is easy to be ignored at the initial stage of the disease. When diseased plants are not treated in time, the leaves will turn yellow.

Second, how to save the yellow leaves of asparagus?

The main results are as follows: 1. The rescue method for the yellowing of asparagus leaves caused by too poor soil: according to the growth period of asparagus, to increase soil fertility appropriately, so that asparagus can have green leaves and beautiful plant shape all the year round.

2. The rescue method of excessive fertilization leading to the yellowing of asparagus leaves: if you accidentally apply too much fertilizer, you should change the potted soil and replant it, which can generally be restored in a few days. In the future management process, attention should be paid to the principles of thin fertilization and diligent fertilization, and dilution should be properly watered after fertilization.

3. The rescue method of irrational watering leading to the yellowing of asparagus leaves: the watering of asparagus should be determined according to the wettability and overall growth of the basin soil. Summer can appropriately increase the amount of water, while spraying water around the leaves to cool down, in winter can reduce the number of watering, basin soil can be kept moist and dry. Of course, we can also determine according to the growth of the plant, generally when the lack of water, asparagus leaves will wilt, lose luster, too much water will appear lethargic.

4. Rescue measures for excessive light leading to yellowing of asparagus leaves: on weekdays, if asparagus is put indoors for maintenance, it can be moved to the outside to give light. Summer is the need for shade, do not put out at noon, can also be placed in astigmatism, ventilated place maintenance.

5, gas poisoning caused asparagus leaves yellowing rescue: do not put asparagus in a dusty place, usually should pay attention to keep the leaves clean, properly spray water to remove dust.

6. Rescue methods for improper maintenance of asparagus leaves yellowing in winter: we should pay great attention to the maintenance of asparagus in winter. In order to make it safe through the winter, we can keep it in a relatively warm, sunny indoor maintenance.

7. The remedy for the yellowing of asparagus leaves caused by insect pests: if you have given birth to scale insects, you can first treat them with physical therapy and wipe them off with a wet dishcloth. If it is too serious, it should be treated with professional medicine, and the basin soil should be changed in time.