
What if the kumquat tree loses its leaves? How to prevent and cure?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kumquat is a kind of potted plant that many families like. We keep a pot of kumquat at home, which is full of vitality. Look at it and enjoy more scenery. A lot of friends feedback kumquat tree leaves how to do? How to prevent and cure? 1. What if the kumquat tree loses its leaves? 1.

Kumquat is a kind of potted plant that many families like. We keep a pot of kumquat at home, which is full of vitality. Look at it and enjoy more scenery. A lot of friends feedback kumquat tree leaves how to do? How to prevent and cure?

What if the kumquat tree loses its leaves?

1. Natural fallen leaves

Under normal circumstances, healthy kumquat does not shed leaves all the year round, it likes high temperature, the best growth temperature is about 22-29 ℃, the temperature below 8 degrees will lead to defoliation. If it is in the north, the old leaves of the golden orange plant are concentrated in the middle and lower parts of the branches, resulting in natural yellowing and falling, then it will not be a big problem.

Solution: pay attention to daily maintenance, pay attention to cold protection and warmth, and new leaves will grow. If you feel it is a hindrance to viewing, it would be nice to remove the leaves of the yellowed golden orange tree.

2. Soil alkalinity.

Kumquat is a kind of plant that likes acid soil, and the alkalinization of basin soil will lead to yellowing and shedding of leaves.

Solution: replace the acidic soil, or replace the consolidated or alkalized soil, leave part of the soil near the root system, then remove the excess soil, and properly supplement some fertile garden soil to achieve the goal. When watering in the north, we should pay attention to the regular application of acid diluent, so as to prevent the basin soil from alkalization and maintain a soil environment suitable for the growth of orange trees.

3. Stagnant water or drought

Kumquat trees prefer water, but they are not resistant to water. If there is stagnant water, it is easy to make plants unable to breathe, resulting in rotten roots, resulting in yellow fallen leaves; when the weather is dry, the yellowing parts of kumquat leaves gradually develop from old leaves to new leaves.

Solution: kumquat pot soil should be fertile and loose, good drainage, can not accumulate water, the surface of the soil is white and then watering, watering must be transparent, not only half of the water; pay attention to more watering when the weather is dry. But you can't water it too frequently, just see dry and wet.

4. Fertilizer damage or drug damage

The damage of diseases and insect pests is an important reason for the withering of kumquat leaves and fruit drop. The occurrence of diseases and insect pests in kumquat is generally characterized by curly leaves, unknown spots on leaves, drying up of branches as a whole, and so on.

Too much or too little fertilization may lead to yellow leaves; in addition, after kumquat trees are infected with diseases and insect pests, the concentration of the solution sprayed is too high, causing the leaves of the plants to turn yellow.

Solution: drug damage can be alleviated by changing basin soil and proper fertilization should be paid attention to.

5. Improper fertilization

Many flower friends will make such mistakes in the process of flower conservation, no matter what fertilizer, no matter what flowers, how they want to apply fertilizer, but do not realize that this is not feasible, light is ineffective, heavy is dead seedlings. Some flower lovers often make mistakes that do not know how much fertilizer to put. If they put too little, they may not be effective, and if they put too much, they will burn roots. Hovering between various mistakes, how can our flowers grow exuberantly?

Solution: if our kumquat is fertilized too much, we must soak, dilute and rinse the kumquat in time. And timely deal with the stagnant water in the basin soil, the general principle of fertilization is to apply more thin fertilizer. Another thing to pay special attention to is that we fertilize the kumquat during the growth period. If the kumquat has grown to a certain extent, it is best not to apply fertilizer, so as not to cause the fruit to drop and the leaves to dry up.

Second, how to prevent the loss of leaves from kumquat trees?

1. Kumquat should have plenty of sunlight, because without light, there will be no photosynthetic nutrition, and if there is no evaporation, there will be no physiological cycle among branches, leaves and roots.

2. Watering during the growing period should conform to the watering principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". Overwintering belongs to the dormant period because there is little evaporation and less water, so watering should be absolutely controlled when moving indoors, as long as it is slightly moist, to prevent waterlogging and rotting roots.

3. The overwintering genus has stopped growing during the dormant period and must not be fertilized; it is appropriate to use light slightly acidic organic fertilizer during the growing period. Any plant is afraid that the thick fertilizer "root burning" chemical fertilizer is an inorganic neutral or alkaline fertilizer, and long-term application will harden the basin soil. improper application is very easy to burn roots and die plants.

4. In order to promote growth and bear more fruit, during the growing period, while it must be placed in the sunny place to receive more sunshine, we must do a good job in the shade of the flowerpot to prevent the roots in the pot soil from easily exceeding 37 degrees in the direct sun and dying of heatstroke.