
What is the current winter price? How to choose the right winter jujube seedlings?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Winter jujube, also known as wild goose red, apple jujube, crystal sugar jujube, etc., will be fully listed in autumn and winter every year. Because the north will become very cold after October, so it is named winter jujube. The main characteristic of winter jujube is its high vitamin content, but it cannot be without it.

Winter jujube, also known as Yanlai red, apple jujube, ice sugar jujube and so on, will be on the market every year in autumn and winter. Because the north will become very cold after October, it is named "Dongzao". The main feature of winter jujube is its high vitamin content, but it can't be eaten without restraint. Now many farmers will plant winter jujube, so what is the price of winter jujube? How to select winter jujube seedlings? Do you know the main points of cultivation?

I. the price of winter jujube

The price of winter jujube will go through a period of fluctuation, which must be the most expensive when it is just on the market. With the cold weather, more and more varieties come out one after another, and the price will decline.

According to the following figure, we can see that the price of winter jujube is mostly concentrated in 7-18 yuan, the transportation cost and labor cost are different in each region, and the price fluctuation is also different. Generally speaking, winter dates bought in the vegetable market are cheaper than those bought in fruit stores, and fruit stores have additional expenses such as store rent and staff expenses that need to be controlled.

Second, how to select winter jujube seedlings?

1. To select winter jujube seedlings, we should first look at the leaves of winter jujube seedlings, which are an important part of photosynthesis. Although many winter jujube seedlings have few leaves, the growth of winter jujube trees can be seen from the leaves of winter jujube seedlings. Winter jujube seedlings with dense leaves should be selected.

2. It also depends on the type of winter jujube seedlings, the tree type has a very important influence on the output value, although the tree type of many winter jujube seedlings can be pruned in the later stage, it will also have a certain effect on the yield. In addition to these two aspects, there is the most important place, that is, the roots of winter jujube seedlings.

3. The root of winter jujube seedling is an important part of absorbing nutrition and water, so when selecting winter jujube seedling, we should see how the root of winter jujube seedling grows, whether it is thick enough, and the strong root can absorb water and nutrition very well. supply the growth of the whole winter jujube tree.

4. When selecting winter jujube seedlings, if farmers start from these aspects, they will be able to distinguish the quality of winter jujube seedlings and better select winter jujube seedlings.

3. Main points of seedling cultivation of Ziziphus jujuba

1. Select the place

Select the soil with flat terrain and good drainage and irrigation conditions, level the land before sowing, apply 2500 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer per mu and 15 kg of diammonium phosphate per mu.

2. Spacing

The standard of wide row 100cm and narrow row 40cm was used for seed breeding, and the standard of wide row 50cm and narrow row 40cm for secondary seedling.

3. Sowing seeds

After planting winter jujube seedlings, pour enough water, water seeps into the soil and then shallow hoe. No matter sowing or secondary seedling cultivation, plastic film should be covered after sowing or planting.

This is the end of the introduction of winter jujube to you today. Friends who are interested in cultivating winter jujube can go to the local market to do more market research. The above data are for reference only, specifically based on your living environment.