
Build the demonstration area into a pioneering area for the development of modern agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, From September 16 to 18, the Ministry of Agriculture held a training course on the policy of substituting awards for subsidies in the national modern agricultural demonstration zone in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Yang Shaobin, a member of the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed at the meeting that during the 13th five-year Plan period, the work of the demonstration area will be transferred to a new stage with equal emphasis on construction and management.

From September 16 to 18, the Ministry of Agriculture held a training course on the policy of substituting awards for subsidies in the national modern agricultural demonstration zone in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Yang Shaobin, a member of the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed at the meeting that during the 13th five-year Plan period, the work of the demonstration areas will turn to a new stage with equal emphasis on construction and management, and all demonstration areas should enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in speeding up the construction of the demonstration areas. we should further give play to the leading role of the demonstration area in advance and lead, and organize and implement the policy of replacing the demonstration area with awards.

It is reported that the national modern agricultural demonstration zone is a major measure of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote the modernization of agriculture with Chinese characteristics. Since 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture has identified 283 national modern agricultural demonstration zones in three batches nationwide, showing exuberant vitality and strong driving force. According to statistics, the total grain output of the 283 demonstration areas reached 474 billion jin, accounting for 39.3 percent of the country's total grain output; the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvest reached 72.4 percent, 14 percentage points higher than the national average; and the per capita net income of farmers reached 11300 yuan, 27 percent higher than the national average in the same period.

The meeting demanded that during the 13th five-year Plan period, the work of the demonstration area should be grasped with both hands: construction on the one hand and management on the other. In construction, we should give priority to infrastructure construction, science and technology, reform and innovation, sustainable development, and structural adjustment. In terms of management, it is necessary to have a strong promotion organization, a pragmatic and effective plan, a master to promote demonstration construction, a set of fund integration mechanism, and a set of effective supervision and assessment system.

The policy of substituting awards for compensation is a major policy innovation in financial support for the development of modern agriculture and the construction of demonstration areas, as well as a major measure to establish a mechanism for comparison and overtaking in demonstration areas and to deepen agricultural reform and construction. Yang Shaobin demanded that all demonstration zones organize and implement the policy of substituting awards for compensation in demonstration areas. It is necessary to strengthen reform and innovation, make good use of money, and speed up the pace of agricultural modernization; in terms of the use and deployment of reward funds, all localities should select the key links that restrict the development of modern agriculture and concentrate their efforts on solving one or two key problems every year, and strive to achieve a number of breakthrough results in about three years. Under the new normal, it is necessary to actively study new policies and measures to support the construction of demonstration areas and modern agriculture, create policies, and increase support; it is necessary to summarize, popularize and transform a number of new achievements that adapt to the reality of development, are highly innovative and operable, and can replicate and popularize them, strengthen exchanges, and do a good job in propaganda.

During the meeting, the Ministry of Agriculture also carried out pilot performance evaluation activities on agricultural reform and construction, 25 pilot demonstration areas reported, experts scored and ranked on the spot, and the lower-ranked pilot demonstration areas will be interviewed and supervised.