
What are the differences between Annona and Sakyamuni? Key points of cultivation techniques are attached!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Annona is a typical tropical fruit, which is widely cultivated in Zhejiang, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other regions of China. Although it has a long history of cultivation in China, the origin of Annona is tropical America. As humans learn to be able

Annona is a typical tropical fruit, which is widely cultivated in Zhejiang, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other regions of China. Although it has a long history of cultivation in China, the origin of Annona is tropical America. With the improvement of human learning ability, Annona is now cultivated in tropical areas all over the world. So what's the difference between Annona and Sakyamuni? Do you know the cultivation techniques?

1. The difference between Annona and Sakyamuni

Many friends have some doubts about Annona and Sakyamuni, because of the difference in name, people will mistakenly think that this is a comparison between the two kinds of fruit.

1. Annona is the fruit of Sakya, which is our common name, and its scientific name is Annona. In many tropical areas, people have always called it Sakyamuni fruit, which has led to a misunderstanding over time that it is two kinds of fruit.

2. whether it is Annona or Sakyamuni fruit, the taste is the same, the skin is emerald green, the flesh is milky white, slightly sweet and delicious. Because of the strange shape, the appearance of a small pimple has attracted a lot of attention.

II. Cultivation techniques of Annona

If you want to plant Annona well, it is necessary to summarize and learn the cultivation techniques in advance. Here, the editor summarizes the main knowledge points for friends with this need:

1. Lighting

Although Annona is a tropical fruit, it likes sunlight very much, but it is also shade-resistant and has thick leaves. More exposure to sunlight in the early development stage of Annona can improve the quality and sweetness of the fruit, and it is also very helpful for growth.

2. Temperature

Because Annona grows in the tropics, the temperature will naturally be very high, but the most suitable temperature is generally concentrated in about 24-31 degrees. If the temperature is too high for a long time, it will cause the vegetation to dry up without water, and the temperature in the tropics will not be particularly low in winter, which is very friendly for tropical fruits. Especially under the suitable temperature in winter, it can also accelerate the defoliation and sprout new buds. It is recommended that the temperature of the fruit during ripening should not be too low or too high, and maintain a suitable temperature so as not to cause the fruit to ripen prematurely or rot due to high temperature.

3. Moisture

Annona is not a water-loving fruit and is sensitive to water. If it is flooded, it will be affected immediately, causing the problem of falling leaves or unsweet fruit. But in flowering and early fruit setting is a very important irrigation period, during this period, we should remember to water, do not delay the growth rate.

4. Soil

Annona is not strict with soil and has strong adaptability. If you want good quality, it is recommended to use sandy soil or sandy loam. Sandy soil and sandy loam have good drainage performance and have higher standards for fertilization and watering Annona.

This is the end of today's introduction to Annona. Many fruit stores do not have this kind of fruit. If you have friends who like it, you are advised to go to a large supermarket chain or buy it online.