
What are the conditions for growing pumpkins? What are the planting prospects?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pumpkin is a food that we can eat all the year round. It can not only cook soup but also cook porridge and steaming. It has a very high value. You may also have a lot of doubts about pumpkin cultivation. For example, the planting conditions and prospects of pumpkins, etc., today, the editor is for you.

Pumpkin is a food that we can eat all the year round. It can not only cook soup but also cook porridge and steaming. It has a very high value. You may also have a lot of doubts about pumpkin cultivation. For example, the planting conditions and prospects of pumpkins, and so on, today the editor has done the following inventory for you, let's take a look at it together.

I. planting conditions of pumpkin

1. Soil requirements

Pumpkin has a well-developed root system and a strong absorption of fertilizer and water in the soil, so it is not strict with the soil. However, when planting, it is best to choose neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam with good drainage, fertile and loose, which is very easy to obtain high yield. When planting on fertile soil, it should be noted that if it is not managed properly, it will easily lead to excessive growth of pumpkin stems and leaves, which will often lead to falling flowers and fruits, resulting in low yield.

2. Moisture requirements

Pumpkin has developed root system, strong drought tolerance and lax water requirements, but its root system is mainly distributed on the surface of the soil layer, while in the actual planting, it is generally shallow ploughing, so the water storage capacity is less. In addition, when the pumpkin is luxuriant, its stems and leaves grow fast, transpiration is great, and there is a great demand for water, so it is necessary to maintain a certain humidity of the soil. In the dry season, the air humidity is low, so it is necessary to water in time to prevent the leaves from withering and deformed fruits.

3. Temperature requirement

Pumpkin is a temperature-loving vegetable, suitable for growth temperature between 18-32 degrees, its root growth temperature of 28-32 degrees, the lowest ability to withstand the low temperature of 6-8 degrees. In different growth periods, it also has different requirements for temperature. During germination, the suitable temperature is 25-30 degrees. Seeds below 10 degrees or higher than 40 degrees can not germinate. The suitable temperature for seedling growth is 23-25 degrees during the day and 13-15 degrees at night; the suitable temperature for vegetative growth is 20-25 degrees; the suitable temperature for flowering and fruit stage is 25-27 degrees, which should not be lower than 15 degrees or higher than 35 degrees.

4. Lighting requirements

Pumpkin is a short sunshine for a long time, and requires high light intensity. Sufficient light is needed throughout the growing period. In the environment of sufficient light, its plant grows well, its leaves are large, the vine is thick, and the fruit grows fast and of good quality. If the light is not enough, the plant grows poorly and the leaves are light and thin. The phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits is serious. When cultivated in high temperature season, excessive light will lead to leaf wilting.

Second, the prospect of pumpkin planting

Pumpkin is a very good melon vegetable, it can be said that the whole body is treasure, its leaves can be fried, its seeds have good economic value, can be processed into agricultural and non-staple food, its melon meat is rich in nutrition, and long-term consumption is very beneficial to the human body. Generally speaking, the pumpkin market prospect is good. It has high planting value, its planting method is simple, the planting cost is low, mainly because it is also high-yielding. Farmers who want to develop the planting industry can consider it.

This is the end of the introduction of pumpkins. If you read this article, friends who are interested in growing pumpkins can go to the local market to find more experienced farmers to communicate, and then decide whether or not to try.