
How to maintain lobular red sandalwood bonsai? Why did the leaves fall off?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red sandalwood is one of the precious wood, and lobular red sandalwood can be regarded as the top of red sandalwood, because its woodiness is very stable, making furniture is not easy to crack. Now, lobular red sandalwood potted plants are popular and put at home to reflect a different temperament.

Red sandalwood is one of the precious wood, and lobular red sandalwood can be regarded as the top of red sandalwood, because its woodiness is very stable, making furniture is not easy to crack. And now, lobular red sandalwood potted plants become popular, put in the home to reflect a different temperament, ornamental is very high, that lobular red sandalwood bonsai how to maintain? Why did the leaves fall off?

First, how to maintain the lobular red sandalwood bonsai?

1. Do not change the position of lobular red sandalwood

The change of the environment is also the key to the growth of lobular red sandalwood, generally fixed a place do not change its position at will, but also in ventilation and other places to maintain, which is more conducive to its growth.

2. Plenty of sunlight

Lobular red sandalwood Xiyang, to put it in a sunny place to maintain, balcony or windowsill is a good choice. However, we should pay attention to proper shading in summer to prevent sunburn, to prevent frost injury in winter, and to put it in a warmer place indoors.

3. Reasonable fertilization

Potted leaflet red sandalwood can not only be given sufficient base fertilizer, but also can be fertilized properly according to its growth status. For example, organic fertilizers such as phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can promote the growth of leaves and the color is green. Fertilizer must be applied frequently and thinly, not too much to prevent overnutrition.

4. Pay attention to skill in watering

Leaflet red sandalwood potted plants are not resistant to drought, so it is necessary to master the amount of water. It is usually watered every three days, but it is also determined according to the wettability and growth period of the basin soil. Watering skills, generally better in the morning, in case the temperature difference is too much watering steam injury lobular red sandalwood. When watering, water slowly from the edge, not from the top of the leaf. In order to increase humidity, water can be sprayed around the leaves to cool down and keep the leaves clean.

Second, why does the lobular red sandalwood bonsai lose its leaves?

The main results are as follows: 1. Soil consolidation leads to the inability of root respiration.

If the lobular red sandalwood appears the phenomenon of soil consolidation, it will lead to the impermeability of the soil, poor drainage, the root is naturally unable to breathe, so the plant will not be able to absorb water and fertilizer, resulting in the phenomenon of leaf loss.

2. Watering leads to stagnant water.

Although lobular red sandalwood likes to be wet, it must not be overwatered to cause stagnant water rotten roots, once the water rotten roots will appear leaves yellowing, falling phenomenon.

3. Lack of fertilizer

If there is a long-term lack of fertilizer in the process of potted culture of lobular red sandalwood, there is naturally no nutrition, the growth becomes slower, the color of new leaves becomes lighter, and the old leaves become yellow and fall. So it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly, but not too thick.

4. The leaves are attacked by diseases and insect pests

Once the leaflet red sandalwood potted plant is attacked by diseases and insect pests, the leaves will fall. Therefore, usually maintenance should pay attention to observe whether there are insect pests, once it occurs, it should be treated in time so as not to affect the healthy plants.