
What should I do if the leaves of the office plants turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Put a small pot on the table, the mood will be beautiful all day, now more and more office workers like to raise some green plants. However, many people neglect to take care of these green plants because of their busy work, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow and wilt, so how to

Put a small pot on the table, the mood will be beautiful all day, now more and more office workers like to raise some green plants. But many people neglect to take care of these green plants because of their busy work, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow and wilt, so what should they do?

What should I do if the leaves of the office plants turn yellow?

1. The office is a relatively closed space with poor ventilation.

After summer, the natural temperature in the room is restored, and the phenomenon of yellowing of green plants will be more serious. Green plants in the office need a certain amount of sunlight, appropriate air humidity, and when necessary, they can spray water on the ground and leaves of green plants, so as to meet the humidity requirements of plants as far as possible. The position of the green plant is as far away from the air outlet of the air conditioner as possible.

2. Putting plants in the office and watering has become a big problem.

It is easy to have people watering flowerpots, and plants are most taboo to water them in this way. The ventilation and lighting environment of the office is inherently worse than that outside, and the moisture in the soil will not evaporate for a long time, and various situations of stagnant water, rotten roots and yellowing will occur. The evaporation of water in the flowerpot is relatively small, and the pots used in the office are often used in terms of aesthetics. Since the flowerpot can not be changed, then change the watering and reduce the amount of water as much as possible!

3. Metabolism

But some plants turn yellow is a normal metabolism, such as green radish occasionally have a yellow leaf at the bottom, just take it off and throw it away, there is no effect.

4. Unchanged soil

In addition, there may be "professional" green plant conservation people say that lack of fertilizer and so on, only play is normal maintenance, in the short term will not be short of fertilizer, only said that raised for a long time, but also did not change the soil, it is possible to lack of fertilizer.

Second, how to maintain office plants?

1. Plants suitable for hydroponic culture

Generally, the plants that can be hydroponically cultured are green pineapple, hanging orchid, tortoise back bamboo, Milan, gentleman orchid, rose, evergreen, violet, Brazilian wood, wealth tree, asparagus, rich bamboo, copper grass, tiger tail orchid, Dishui Guanyin and so on.

Tap water can be used to cultivate plants. Leave the tap water for a period of time before use, especially in winter, when the water temperature is lower than room temperature, it should be kept for a period of time. Do not fill the water too full, generally leave 5 to 10 centimeters of roots on the surface of the water.

It is best to choose transparent glassware, you can ornamental plant roots, different hydroponic plants of different colors, different shapes, wrapped in the water, is also a unique landscape. Water quality and water level can also be observed at any time with glassware. You can also put colored stones in glassware and raise small goldfish to increase the ornamental quality of plants.

2. The arrangement of office plants

Generally speaking, the office is suitable for putting three kinds of plants. The first is a cactus, or a plant like a cactus. Because the cactus is easy to survive, and the size is not large, it can be placed flexibly. The second kind is the hanging orchid, which has strong vitality and fast reproduction speed. The third is flowers, including chrysanthemums, peonies and other kinds of flowers.

The area of the office is generally not very large, so when putting plants, we must pay attention to the location, only in the right position will play its greatest role. Generally speaking, the longest position we put is on the desk, because the desk is relatively flat and close to people. The second is that some plants can be placed properly on the windowsill of the office.