
Cultivation methods and precautions of potted osmanthus fragrans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Osmanthus fragrans is a tree of osmanthus genus, with many categories. The most representative ones are golden osmanthus, silver osmanthus, red osmanthus, laurel, etc. Osmanthus fragrans is also one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China, sweet and fragrant. So what are the cultivation methods and precautions for potted osmanthus flowers? come

Osmanthus fragrans is a tree of osmanthus genus, with many categories. The most representative ones are golden osmanthus, silver osmanthus, red osmanthus, laurel, etc. Osmanthus fragrans is also one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China, sweet and fragrant. So what are the cultivation methods and precautions for potted osmanthus flowers? Let's find out together!

1. Cultivation method of potted osmanthus

1. Basin soil

Osmanthus fragrans on the soil requirements are not high, pot soil can be humus or peat, garden soil, sand or river sand according to the ratio of 5:3:2 mixed, PH should be maintained at 5.5-6.5, culture soil before loading pots with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution spray disinfection.

2. Watering

Osmanthus fragrans water demand is not large, watering should master the principle of not watering, watering will be watered thoroughly, spray clear water once a day to leaf surface, summer temperature is high, evaporation is large, it is best to water in the morning and evening, winter watering around noon, pay attention to watering to appropriate amount, do not accumulate water.

3. Fertilization

Osmanthus fragrans should be supplied with sufficient fertilizer, insufficient nutrients, poor flower vigor, nitrogen fertilizer applied once when shooting, phosphorus fertilizer applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering, it is worth noting that water should be poured after fertilization.

3. Pour the basin

Osmanthus fragrans usually change the soil every 2-3 years, cut off part of the old roots, dead roots and diseased roots, pad a layer of river sand or vermiculite on the bottom of the pot to improve air permeability and water permeability, and place decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer, turn the soil to prevent soil hardening, and compact the fine soil.

4, pruning

Pruning osmanthus fragrans is best carried out after autumn, thinning the plants with too dense branches, cutting off excessive branches, dead branches, diseased branches and dense thin branches after flowering to enhance growth.

5, winter

Osmanthus fragrans winter temperature is best at about 5 degrees, relative humidity 50-80%, winter osmanthus cultivation needs good light, especially before the early spring buds begin to sprout, more sunshine requirements, after the rain can be moved out of the outdoor, out of the room after the first concentrated placed in the outdoor leeward sunny place.

6. Diseases

Common diseases of osmanthus fragrans include leaf spot disease, coal pollution disease, algae spot disease, root rot, iron deficiency disease, etc. Leaf spot disease, coal pollution disease and algae spot disease can be controlled by spraying bordeaux mixture or carbendazim. Root rot should be kept loose and ventilated without ponding.

7. Pests

Common pests of osmanthus fragrans include sawfly, whitefly, mite, Changbai scale, yellow thorn moth, etc. Sawfly, whitefly and mite can be sprayed with dimethoate, except for artificial brush, Changbai scale can be sprayed with omethoate or fenitrothion in the first and second generations of nymph.

Second, potted osmanthus notes

1. Water management of potted osmanthus is more difficult than land planting. Too much watering often causes excessive growth, poor drainage, ponding in the basin and easy to cause rotten roots. Therefore, attention must be paid not to water more. Even in the flowering period when more water is needed, it is necessary to avoid excessive wetting of the basin soil.

2. Osmanthus fragrans belongs to long-day plants and likes light. If the plants cannot get sufficient light, they will cause their branches and leaves to grow excessively, affecting the formation of flower buds, and they will not bloom. Therefore, cultivated osmanthus fragrans should receive more light in order to bloom luxuriantly at flowering stage.

3. Potted osmanthus flowers do not change pots and soil for many years, which will lead to insufficient nutrition of plants, root system knot can not be extended, affecting flowering, so potted osmanthus flowers should be changed every 1 to 2 years, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied more throughout the growth period.

4. Potted osmanthus fragrans should be placed at low temperature to make it dormant after entering the room in winter. If the room temperature is high, osmanthus fragrans cannot be fully dormant, it will sprout and expand leaves in advance, resulting in thin branches and consumption of a lot of nutrients. After leaving the room in spring, it is easy to wither and die in case of drought wind.

5, potted osmanthus is not resistant to smoke, such as growing in dirty air, heavy dust places, will lead to poor growth, leaves become small yellow easy to fall off, flowering less or no flowering, so in the breeding to prevent osmanthus from being polluted by smoke, try to put in ventilation and fresh air conservation.

The above is the cultivation method and precautions of osmanthus summarized by Xiaobian for you, hoping to help you.