
Matters needing attention in the cultivation of grapefruit with "health preservation"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grapefruit is a common fruit, known as canned natural fruit, health-preserving sacred products, grapefruit taste sweet and sour, deeply loved by the public. So, what are the points for attention in growing grapefruit? Let's study together. 1. Pomelo trees have strong resistance when they are planted.

Grapefruit is a common fruit, known as "canned natural fruit", "health preservation", grapefruit taste sweet and sour, deeply loved by the public. So, what are the points for attention in growing grapefruit? Let's study together.

First, planting time

Pomelo trees have strong resistance and adaptability. In many areas, pomelo trees can be planted all the year round, but the survival rate in some places is not very high. When planting grapefruit, we should grasp the best time to plant grapefruit. Pomelo can be sown in autumn or spring, autumn sowing is from September to November, spring sowing is February and March, during this period the root system grows faster. The survival rate can be as high as 90%.

2. Suitable temperature

Temperature is also an important condition to determine whether the grapefruit tree survives or not. temperature has a great influence on the survival rate and growth of grapefruit tree. the suitable temperature for the growth of pomelo tree is 12-20 degrees, and the highest temperature for planting can not be higher than 40 degrees. Grapefruit can also grow under other temperature conditions, but the growth rate slows down somewhat. Generally, the temperature in the Yangtze River basin is very suitable for the growth of grapefruit.

3. Planting density

The planting density of grapefruit will affect the growth trend, the yield and quality of grapefruit in the later stage, so it is necessary to arrange the planting density reasonably and achieve the best planting benefit in the case of making full use of land resources. generally speaking, each mu can plant about 55 to 60 trees, the row spacing is about four meters, and the plant spacing is about three meters. planting can not be too dense, too dense will affect the fruit growth, thus reducing the quality of grapefruit.

IV. Water and fertilizer management

The soil should be watered when planting grapefruit trees, which can improve the survival rate. After planting, it is necessary to irrigate reasonably according to the water demand of grapefruit trees. In the case of continuous rainfall, timely drainage is needed. Waterlogging will affect the fruit amount of grapefruit, basic fertilizer is needed when planting, and manure should be applied in time after planting, mainly farm manure, once a month. Wait until half a year later, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of fertilizer to ensure better plant growth and higher fruit quality.

5. Plant pruning

Pomelo pruning is a problem ignored by many growers. In fact, young tree pruning is to promote the growth of main branches, while adult tree pruning is to increase production and improve quality. The principle of pomelo tree pruning is to prune old branches, withered branches, diseased branches, insect branches, weak branches, dense branches, and retain strong branches, so that the quality of good grapefruit will be higher.

The market demand of grapefruit has gradually increased in recent years, and the market prospect is broad, so investment can be considered.

The above are the notes on grapefruit planting summarized by the editor for you. I hope I can help you!