
It is the right time to develop fashion agriculture.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Urban agriculture, balcony agriculture, characteristic farm music, residential accommodation, roof agriculture, ecological agriculture and agricultural tourism have sprung up quietly. Agriculture is no longer simply facing the loess, nor is it simply the high efficiency brought about by mechanized production, but with creativity, science and technology.

Urban agriculture, balcony agriculture, characteristic farm music, residential accommodation, roof agriculture, ecological agriculture and agricultural tourism have sprung up quietly. Agriculture is no longer simply facing the loess, nor is it the high efficiency brought about by mechanized production. but with creativity, technology, tourism and the Internet and other combination, showing a new appearance and temperament. As a result, a new concept "fashion agriculture" arises at the historic moment, and the connotation of this concept is becoming more and more abundant and perfect with the development of agricultural practice.

The so-called fashion agriculture refers to a new agricultural development model that integrates traditional agriculture with science and technology and creativity and directly faces the market. There are many ways for the development of fashion agriculture, but its core is the integration of science and technology and creativity, whether it is agricultural tourism, low-carbon agricultural products, its support is technology and creativity. The essence of fashion agriculture is the integrated development of the primary industry and the tertiary industry, and the deep integration of the primary industry and the modern service industry.

There are five ways to develop fashion agriculture:

First, the integration of agriculture and science and technology. The integration of fashion agriculture and science and technology not only refers to mechanized agriculture and large-scale agriculture, but also focuses on the use of modern science and technology to develop ecological agriculture, low-carbon agriculture and circular agriculture, such as vertical agriculture, building agriculture, etc.; use modern technology to cultivate creative and visual impact products, such as thousands of jin of pumpkins, oversized potatoes, organic vegetables and so on. The purpose of using science and technology in fashion agriculture is not simply to increase production, but to provide low-carbon, environmentally friendly and sustainable development, or to provide technical support for creative agricultural products. The use of science and technology in fashion agriculture is precisely a supplement to mechanized large-scale production, and its low-carbon ecological characteristics is the direction of agricultural development in the future.

Second, the integration of agriculture and creativity. The combination of agriculture and creativity highlights the interest of life-"agricultural interest". For example, growing vegetables and fruits on the balcony requires the support of science and technology, but its creative elements are obviously greater than those of science and technology, such as some agricultural tourism projects. farmland crops are designed into a certain shape and color, full of design sense. Such as some high-end residential accommodation, there is a professional design team. For example, farm music for the design of dishes, residential accommodation for the design of the room, all need creativity, and the implication of creativity must be agricultural interest. The integration of agriculture, technology and creativity is the basis of other approaches to fashion agriculture.

Third, the combination of agriculture and tourism. Agricultural tourism is a new agricultural project that attracts urban tourists and increases farmers' income through the natural landscape formed by agricultural production. Agricultural tourism emphasizes participation and experience. In China, agricultural tourism is not only the significance of leisure tourism, but also has a kind of spiritual sustenance and cultural roots. For the development of agricultural tourism products, it not only needs natural agricultural products, but also includes the pursuit of simple human nature, soothing pace of life, modern simple style and so on.

Fourth, the integration of agriculture and the Internet. Refers to farmers through the modern Internet means to improve the added value of agricultural products. For farmers, the Internet is a means and a window to the outside world, such as someone selling agricultural products such as potatoes and tea online-this is the integration of primary forms. In the higher stage, such as using the Internet to carry out agricultural crowdfunding projects, it is a feasible way for the majority of college students to return to their hometown to start a business. The integration of agriculture and the Internet is closely related to the improvement of the quality of rural labor force, which obviously needs the guidance and support of the government.

Fifth, the combination of agriculture and ecology. One of the fashion elements of fashion agriculture is to have healthy ecological products. Such as pollution-free fruits and vegetables, clean air, pleasant scenery, slow-paced life, are all products, urban people have to pay for these. Therefore, fashion agriculture should maintain the authenticity of nature. Fashion agriculture is not about moving five-star hotels to the countryside. Agricultural tourism not only satisfies the "mouth", but also satisfies the "heart", the yearning and pursuit of natural and quiet life, and the reaction to the fast-paced urban life.

At the present stage, the development of industrialization has caused great damage and pressure to the environment, and people's daily products are also made by means of industrialization, without personality and losing the original flavor of natural agriculture. the yearning for a better life naturally leads people to the pursuit of healthy and green environmental protection products, so low-carbon ecological products, including tourism products, have become an important part of fashion agriculture. At the same time, many modern urban people like to go to the countryside, release the pressure, find the real nature and taste the original taste, so agricultural interest has also become an important part of fashion agriculture. If fashion agriculture deviates from low-carbon environmental protection and agricultural interest, it will not become fashion and will inevitably lose its attractiveness. Therefore, fashion agriculture is always combined with the protection of ecological environment, which is also the direction of sustainable development of agriculture.

In addition to the protection of the ecological environment, the development of fashion agriculture should also pay attention to the preservation of agricultural productivity. Fashion agriculture is mainly to increase the added value of agricultural products, increase farmers' income and create a better life in rural areas, but China is a large country with a population of more than 1 billion, so the development of agricultural fashion can not destroy the environment, let alone production. Agriculture must be kept productive. Among them, the guidance and support of the relevant departments are particularly important.