
What are the points for attention in sugarcane planting?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sugarcane is an important sugar crop, is the raw material of sucrose, but also can extract ethanol, is an important economic crop in China. So, what are the points for attention in sugarcane planting? Let's study together. 1. Seedling stage management is mainly about germination.

Sugarcane is an important sugar crop, is the raw material of sucrose, but also can extract ethanol, is an important economic crop in China. So, what are the points for attention in sugarcane planting? Let's study together.

1. Seedling stage management

The management of seedling stage is mainly a period from germination to long joint. this time is mainly to ensure that there are no interseedlings and strong seedlings in the field. after sugarcane is planted, not all sugarcane seedlings will sprout and appear, so it is necessary to replenish seedlings in time to ensure the seedlings in the field and increase sugarcane yield. it is best to replenish seedlings in rainy or cloudy days, so the survival rate will be much higher. At the same time, when planting, we should cover the film and keep the temperature, so that the sugarcane can germinate better. when the sugarcane grows five or six leaves, we should lift the film in time, apply fertilizer for the first time, and pay attention when fertilizing. do not put fertilizer directly on the leaves can not be too close to the root of sugarcane, otherwise it is easy to die seedlings.

2. Extended term management

The extension period of sugarcane is usually from June to October, and the extension period is the most critical period for sugarcane growth. at this time, sugarcane is growing. The longer the section of sugarcane, the higher the sugarcane will be tasty, and the higher the yield will be. So in this period, we should pay special attention to fertilization. In general, fertilizer that helps to promote the growth of sugarcane is applied, and it needs more nutrients during this period. Therefore, when applying fertilizer, we must pay attention to the right amount, neither too much nor less, too little will lead to malnutrition and low yield, too much will lead to sugar cane necrosis or no sugar. The extension period is usually from June to October, so we should pay attention to flood prevention and drought prevention.

3. Post-management

In the later stage of management, we should mainly pay attention to the prevention of some diseases and pests of sugarcane. Timely prevention and treatment according to the different symptoms of sugarcane will help to improve the final yield of sugarcane.

4. Timely harvest

The harvest of sugarcane in the previous season has a great impact on ratoon sugarcane. If the harvest is too early, dry soil, low temperature and drought for too long, it is not conducive to the germination of sugarcane buds, resulting in loss of vitality, and can also be affected by drought, resulting in death and affecting the yield and quality of ratoon sugarcane. Experienced sugarcane farmers said that in the south, after Greater Cold, the the Beginning of Spring period is the most suitable period for ratoon, so it is the best time to harvest at this time. Because at this time the temperature and began to pick up, and the rainfall is also gradually increasing, the temperature and moisture can meet the needs of sugarcane sprouting, promote the persistent roots to grow as soon as possible, and be sure to choose sunny days when harvesting. If harvested in cloudy and rainy weather, the bacteria will invade from the wound through Rain Water, thus causing damage to the persistent roots and affecting the plants.

These are the notes on sugarcane planting sorted out for you by the editor of As the saying goes, "eating sugarcane in winter is better than ginseng". Sugar cane juice is sweet and nutritious. He can eat more sugarcane in winter. Gargle in time after eating. Avoid excessive sugar retention in the mouth, causing dental caries and oral ulcers, but pay attention to when eating sugarcane, do not eat red sugarcane, once there are symptoms of vomiting and convulsions I need to see a doctor right away.