
How do lemon seeds grow small potted plants? What are the key points of daily management?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Lemon is a kind of sour fruit, usually we will not eat it raw, but only for seasoning or soaking water to drink. After you cut the lemon you bought, you will find that there are a lot of lemon seeds. This is a good thing. Don't throw it away. Because we can use it to plant one.

Lemon is a kind of sour fruit, usually we will not eat it raw, but only for seasoning or soaking water to drink. After you cut the lemon you bought, you will find that there are a lot of lemon seeds. This is a good thing. Don't throw it away. Because we can use it to plant a beautiful small potted plant to decorate the environment, if properly managed, we can also produce lemons, so we don't have to buy them outside. Let's take a look at how lemon seeds grow small potted plants. What are the key points of daily management?

How to plant small potted plants with lemon seeds?

In fact, the method of planting small potted lemon seeds is not difficult, but you just need to pay attention to some details.

1. Treatment of lemon seeds

First of all, we soak the prepared lemon seeds in warm water, about 30 ℃, and wait until the skin of the lemon seeds is soft. The second is to use tweezers to gently peel off the soft outer layer of the floating film, so as not to damage the meat inside. Then the peeled seeds will be soaked, this time will be longer, about 5-7 days, it is necessary to pay attention to change the water every day, so as to avoid odor.

2. Prepare to plant potted soil

The small containers planted in pots must be disinfected in advance, and then put into the soil with good drainage, good air permeability and fertility, keep the basin soil moist, put the seeds in order, and remember that the pointed part is facing up, from inside to outside.

After placing the lemon seeds, put some Maifan stone on it, which is sold in this general florist and spray water again. Keep watering every three days until the seeds germinate.

3. Post-germination management

After the lemon seeds germinate, they can be preserved in a sunny place, and the details of maintenance will be described below.

Second, what are the main points of daily management of lemon potted plants?

1. Lighting

Lemon is a kind of plant that likes light, but it should be noted that when the summer sun is too strong, it will affect the growth and development and need proper shading.

2. Temperature

Lemon growth temperature is between 24-30 ℃, if it is below 2 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃, lemon will suffer frost injury or stop growing, so it is best to move indoors for maintenance before Frosts Descent, and then move outside after April.

3. Watering

Although lemons need a lot of water, but if the amount is not controlled, it is easy to cause too much water and lead to rotting roots. Therefore, in the summer high temperature weather, early flowering, then the appropriate increase in water, usually according to the wettability of the basin soil to see whether it needs watering. In summer, you can spray water around the lemon leaves to increase air humidity and lower the temperature.

4. Fertilization

Lemon like fertilizer, in addition to foot fertilizer, in the vigorous period of growth and early flowering should be diligent fertilization, but one-time fertilization should not be too thick, so as not to burn roots, then there will be yellowing of leaves or death of the whole plant.

In addition to the above four management points, we should also pay attention to the details of lemon pruning, soil change, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. After mastering these essentials, I believe you can grow a nice little pot of lemon.