
How much is a pot of crab claw orchid? And the four big differences that the fairy refers to!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crab claw orchid, also known as crab orchid and Christmas cactus, is a common indoor foliage plant. It is deeply loved by flower lovers because of its high ornamental value and beautiful flowers. It is very suitable for indoor use. How much is the crab claw orchid? What's the difference between a fairy finger and a fairy finger?

Crab claw orchid, also known as crab orchid and Christmas cactus, is a common indoor foliage plant. It is deeply loved by flower lovers because of its high ornamental value and beautiful flowers. It is very suitable for indoor use. How much is the crab claw orchid? What's the difference between a fairy finger and a fairy finger?

First, crab claw orchid introduction:

1. What are the uses of crab claw orchid?

Crab claw orchid is a foliage plant, can well dress up the surrounding environment, is often put in the living room, study, windowsill and other places of breeding, especially if properly managed, the florescence can be extended to October, is one of the most ornamental potted plants indoors in winter.

2. Is crab claw orchid a succulent plant?

Crab claw orchid is a succulent plant, the stem is bright green or slightly purplish, the stem is hanging, there are many branches, but unlike other succulent, no thorns above the branches, flowers at the top of the branches, and symmetrical on both sides.

How much is a pot of crab claw orchid?

Crab claw orchid market prices vary, generally in 20 yuan or so 100 yuan a pot, but due to the market, varieties, specifications, the price will be different. For example, with a bud and buy more may be about 100 yuan a pot, a single plant without a bud may be more than ten yuan a pot, so the specific price still need to go to the local market to check.

What's the difference between crab claw orchid and fairy finger?

Crab claw orchid and fairy finger are both succulent plants, so many people think they are the same plant, but they are not. The specific differences are as follows:

Difference one, different families and genera: crab claw orchid is an epiphytic succulent plant of the genus Cymbidium of the cactus family; cactus refers to the epiphytic succulent plant of the cactus genus of the cactus family.

Second, the appearance is different: the crab claw orchid is shrubby, the whole plant grows vertically, the leaves have sharp serrated, the flowers have cascading petals, rise slightly, generally bloom from October to February of the following year, and the fruit is oval or pear-shaped, smooth and round in appearance, and the color is rose or red. Fairies mean that the leaves have smooth, round serrated leaves, and the open leaves hang down and grow around, the flowers are very neat, the whole flower pattern is downward vertical, generally blossoms in February, and the leaves do not roll back during flowering, the edges of the fruit are abrupt and angular, and the color is yellow.

Third, the growth environment is different: crab claw orchid likes to grow in a warm and cool environment, generally growing best at 20 degrees 25 degrees, if given 8 hours of light every day, it can blossom normally in 2 to 3 months; fairies like to grow in warm and humid environments, generally growing best at 19 degrees 32 degrees.

Difference 4, the price is different: crab claw orchid generally in 20 to more than 100 yuan a pot, but if the specification is larger and very strong may be more than 200 yuan a pot, so the specific price varies from place to place; fairy refers to generally around 10 yuan 20 yuan a pot, if more flowering plants may be more than 100 yuan a pot, anyway, the price is not as high as crab claw orchid.

Generally speaking, the market price of crab claw orchid is expensive and cheap, depending on which one to buy, so try to check the local market. In addition, although crab claw orchid and fairy refers to succulent plants, but there are some differences in families and genera, appearance and price, so we must pay attention to the purchase.