
Peach planting techniques: aphids can be used to control aphids!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Peach is a fruit we often eat. It tastes sweet with enough water. Eating more peaches can also supplement vitamins. Now, due to the increase in market demand, more and more farmers have begun to contract large orchards to grow peaches, and the production technology is becoming more and more perfect. But for a small part,

Peach is a fruit we often eat. It tastes sweet with enough water. Eating more peaches can also supplement vitamins. Now, due to the increase in market demand, more and more farmers have begun to contract large orchards to grow peaches, and the production technology is becoming more and more perfect. But for a small number of beginners who just start from scratch and want to make money from peach trees, there are still a lot of problems. So what are the planting techniques of peach trees?

Planting techniques of peach trees

1. Fertilization

Fertilization is a key step in the cultivation of peach trees. Many peach trees fail to bear fruit or suffer from premature senescence because of fertilizer problems. First of all, we have to know what kind of fertilizer peach trees have to use, suitable for peach trees are soil fertilizer, organic bacterial fertilizer, compound fertilizer and so on. Then we need to match the proportion according to the growth rate. Do not degrade the quality of fruit because of no application or less fertilization.

2. Clear the garden

Clearing the garden is not easy, and it is necessary to clear the garden in the cultivation of fruit trees. If the growers do not pay enough attention to the clear garden, it may lead to unnecessary diseases and insect pests, resulting in a sharp decline in production in the same year. Clear the garden we have to improve the quality of products, if it is serious diseases and insect pests, the need for the use of pesticides must be used in time. After cutting branches in winter, those diseased branches, fallen leaves, weeds and diseased fruits should be removed from the garden and burned, and then sprayed with stone-sulfur mixture throughout the garden.

3. Aphids

Peach trees with aphids are very common, and the development rate is very fast, generally hidden on the back of calyx, leaves or in branches, tip cracks to harm the absorption of nutrients. The main pesticides for aphids are imidacloprid, carbofuran, carbofuran, pyrethroids and so on. However, the use of drugs must be careful, can not be used in large quantities or in large areas, which will cause damage to the fruits of peach trees. It is best to make a decision after a small trial.

4. Weeds

Although peach trees are cultivated in orchards, they also have the same weeds as farmland. In the whole process of field management, if the weeding is not thorough, the nutrition of peach trees will be absorbed by weeds. In view of this situation, we can use orchard-specific herbicides to work, and weeds can be effectively eliminated after spraying pesticides.

5. Diseases and insect pests

Peach tree diseases and insect pests are actually easy to cure, but they often miss the best treatment time because they are not timely and do not pay attention to them. In view of different diseases and insect pests, we should choose different pesticides for radical cure. For example, during the peak period of anthrax, products such as Lunassen, a specific drug for the prevention and treatment of anthrax, and diazepam can be sprayed, which will have a faster effect than daily pesticides.

This is the end of today's introduction to the cultivation techniques of peach trees. Peach trees are now more convenient to plant, and there are many online and offline sales channels. If you are interested, you can learn more and try again.